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The list im following says to skip, but I saw some people say to watch! So ima do a poll and Lmk what y'all think!

typo, one of the options is suppose to have 97 only!



Watch them both

Nyan Krunex

Make sure to add EP 104 to your list, it's a lighthearted must watch! 😸


At this point just watch all. There's not that many left until you're caught up anyway. Plus it adds some development for side characters. If people don't wanna watch, it's not gonna kill them to miss 2 days.


he wont enjoy them that much but yeah force him

Nyan Krunex

There's 4 more arcs I want you to watch mainly until manga main canon (EP 141) again, but a lot of people seem to also want you to see the standalone eps (I am not so excited about all of em but yeah), so take your time I guess since you are gonna get to the main content anyway


Exactly. He’ll be caught up faster then he realizes. Might as well get the full experience.

Pacific Caleb

I agree with the others here might as well watch all that is left (other than a few recap episodes). There are not that many episodes left (70ish as of now) and if you skip all the ones that you can it would be only like 15ish episodes which is not that much. These episodes give some good character moments for the side characters and at the end of the day most are just single episodes so even if it is not something you end up liking it is over quick.


Because he liked every single ep OG and Shippuden right? Lol


People are voting on their preference. Which ever option you vote, either for or against, is hardly forcing.


I think he kinda seems sus sometimes and holds back his complaints


He constantly shits on the byakua gang arc ? Lol


Just watch all the episodes from now. I don't see the point in rushing since the best parts of the show are just beginning.


OMG when I clicked to come vote I was ready to fight if the results were different, so happy to see this 😭 lets GO, watch all of it


WATCH ALL EPISODES I Promise you it’s worth the wait


i dont really care much about 97 but if you skip 96 youre gonna be REALLYY confused about certain things with the next arc so


97 too tho, because of that one character decision, we see him later using a certain jutsu