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uploaded this on yt at 3pm and forgot to for patreon. fml. im getting my shit together!


naruto 463 464 patty


Sage Sensei

#1 most unpredictable knucklehead ninja 😎


Dont worry about it Swolekage 💪




Naruto is a senju. The Uzumaki and senju clans are related


When she changed to snow biome and chinq was like “she has host privilege”🤣🤣🤣


Hey I'm not sure if you ever watch the endings. But ending 32 called spinning World is so nice to watch especially at this stage of the fight


Naruto is senju bruh Uzumaki and senju are blood related


Obito's little speech about walking in front of them and letting him die for Naruto was him reciting the words Naruto said to him about how a Hokage will always walk in front taking the lead and enduring the pain. "The Hokage is someone who endures the pain and takes the lead in front of everyone"


Kaguya has a rinne-sharingan which is like the most op god tier shit (hagoromo eventually aawakened it) and sasuke actually only has a rinnegan but with tomoe so he is the only guy able to fuse the EMS and rinnegan powers which is why he can use perfect susano amaterasu and etc.. with that eye. The teleportation thing is just his own rinnegan ability (he can make objects switch places as long as its not too far from himself (also being able to switch places with his body and other objects)


Rinne-Sharingan is a fanterm created by fans. The official translation called the Third Eye only "Sharingan"


*distant blood related and Naruto isn't even a "true blood" Uzumaki. He doesn't have red hair. It's also proven that he isn't a "real" Uzumaki when the Nine Tailed Fox got extracted. A real Uzumaki would still survive and be conciseness when a Bjuu is extracted. Naruto practically died once. In terms of Genes he has more of his fathers than his mothers blood.

Liam D

I love Hagoromo's character, he's one of the most powerful beings to ever exist but takes time to build a bridge from hand and works to unite everyone. He could have just gone on his way but he thinks of the larger picture! Characters like that are my favorite!


*distant blood related and Naruto isn't even a ""real"" Uzumaki. The proof of an Uzumaki is the red hair and life vitality. Naruto died got his Bjuu extracted while a ""real"" Uzumaki would survive that. Also Naruto's life vitality is great yes, but it doesn't come from himself. It is Kurama inside him giving a great life vitality