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Instead of 2 weeks per character commission, I am spending more money so that we will be getting 3 characters or sex scenes per month (1 commission every 10 days). The only thing is that there will not be any extra outfits as I am spending most of the money I receive on a more experienced character artist. This character artist shouldn't give me any problems as he has experience in setting up characters for animation, and his art looks pretty decent. He is very expensive so I am excited to see what he will draw for us! 

Since I am spending most of the money I receive on good character art, music/sounds/voice acting/outfits/extras will be taking a backseat and they just might not happen. Some features might get cut out of the game as well because if there are no extra outfits, then it would be kind of weird for characters to roam around each map location with their fast food outfit on, lol.

Also, my game engine right now isn't allowing me to open it up. It says it has failed to install and I have tried a bunch of things to try and fix it. Nothing is working. I have sent a support ticket to the company of the engine. I am waiting for their response. If it doesn't get fixed by tomorrow, I will reformat my computer and re-install everything. The game engine is the only thing on my computer that is not working. I am now on a Windows 10 machine and ever since I changed to Windows 10 from 7, it has been giving me constant problems. I fixed all the problems but the game engine not working!

Mia's last sex scene is done and I just need to get the game engine working for me to add it into the game. Once this is done, I will be working on HFGR2 right away!


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