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Taking opinions into consideration, two of the velvet worms have been merged into one concept with an adorable velvet worm head on an unexpectedly terrifying body. The remaining two designs have been reworked into an unconventional octopus-man (his mouth is on his arm!) and a hagfish-man. Being human sea creature hybrids, these two would be vampire minions. Look for all three in color....sometime or other this year. The hagfish one may just end up the new version of the existing monster, Snotweasel, which was meant to invoke a hagfish anyway.




Oh, very nice! But I think you should put back the stubby caterpillar-like legs running down it's body, it's what made the previous sketch so charming. Nice minions!


I like Snotweasel already because it also evokes a tardigrade. Perhaps this could be the new Snotweasel and the old one could become a new monster in its own right?


I could maybe try sketching that, but it's a little complex for something I'd be able to draw. And for copyrighty reasons I can't draw people's ideas and make the into real Mortasheen monsters; I'm just taking loose suggestions. Like, so far, the monsters I've made for patrons were described for me as: "A pitcher plant that attacks with scent" "An otter crossed with a sandworm" "A ginger plant" An idea that can be summarized in just a couple words is an idea I am allowed to base something on! :)


That velvet worm is amazing. Why do I get the feeling that it doesn't lumber very fast, which only makes its velvet-worminess more terrifying?


I really love all three, especially the octoman and Velvet Worm. <3