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How are you all doing? I trust you had a pleasant New Year's?

And seeing as it's the new year I thought, hey, what better way to kick off 2017 than to begin Chapter Two's development log! I can't guarantee that these will be a weekly thing, as sometimes I might not have enough that I would want to show off, but I'll try to make these at least a semi-regular thing so you know that progress is going smoothly with the second chapter!

Attached to this post is the very first official screenshot of Chapter 2 in action, picking up almost right where Chapter 1 left off, with Matt and Cynthia stepping through the gates and into the grand capital city of Rhan. The dialogue you see is simply placeholder while I work some things out and is heavily subject to change.

The most striking thing you'll notice (or striking pair of things, huhu) is that Cynthia who previously only existed in text form before now has her own sprite, as she's a key character in this chapter.

For her design, I wanted it to be immediately obvious she was a knight of some capacity, with the gold and ruby trimmings placing her as someone a bit more important than just a standard soldier--making her stand out as the captain of said knights--the royal knights that personally serve the Queen to be precise.

You'll maybe also notice that her sprite is in a slightly different style than the artstyle of the first chapter, and I would definitely be interested in hearing your opinions of this style, and whether you personally feel it meshes with everything so far. As due to the sheer volume of content in the second chapter, I've been required to enlist the help of multiple artists to ensure things are done in a timely manner and am splitting the work up between these artists. Art consistency is something I'll be striving for whenever I can, though fear in some cases it might not always seem so seamless given some artists can only match styles so much.

Additionally, a new background artist is onboard, who I believe has been doing a wonderful job so far as you can see yourself with how beautifully Rhan has been rendered behind our valiant knight. One thing I regret in Chapter 1 was not having enough backgrounds in the end for everything, so really had to stretch the few I had (that darn grass field!) so with this dedicated BG artist onboard I'll be aiming to bring this monster girl filled world to life in far greater detail than ever before.

Even the grand captial city of Rhan will consist of a good few BG pieces to fully bring the districts of the city to life, with this city being a large focus in the second chapter. For the duration of it, Matt will be making it his place of operations and be exploring it for many things to see and do on a day-to-day basis. (Though I'll explore the flow of things in a more detailed dev log down the road.)

Rhan is a very big place with a far cleaner and refined aesthetic compared to the dirt roads and more homely feeling of Matt's hometown, with paved streets and plenty of shops to visit for aspiring adventurers. If you look hard enough you can also see the castle in the distance, where this Queen that everyone seems to talk so much about resides. I wonder what kind of lady she is?

To end this dev log--and how I'll most likely end most of them--I'd like to ask you all several questions based on what I've shown today, to better gain your feedback and understand how you might feel about the direction Chapter Two is going.

- What do you think of Cynthia's appearance?

- How do you feel about Cynthia's art style? Are you a fan of it? If yes/no, please feel free to explain your reasoning!

- What possibility excites you the most about Matt entering such a grand city?

- Is there anything in particular you would like to see discussed in the next dev log?

Or if you have anything else you'd like to add based on what you've read here, please feel free to leave a comment, or contact me in the usual ways, whatever you're most comfortable with!

Thank you so much for your support as always, and have a great 2017~



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