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Heya, everyone~ I hope you're doing well!

It's that spooky time of the year again, which means we get to have some fun Halloween-focused art, whoo! With this particular piece focusing on two of my favourite city gals--Ren and Anna! They've gotten all dressed up (or dressed down depending on how you look at it) and are ready to party in style. The inn has even been transformed, too, into a suitably creepy location.

It was tough to decide on the Halloween outfits they should wear--but ultimately I went for a succubus look for Ren (because she rocked the Alma Elma look so well before) and a fun little pirate getup for Anna. I think they turned out quite nicely if I do say so myself, and figured adding something a bit more saucy than usual with Ren licking the lollipop would be a fun treat. And if you look closely, there's even a special guest appearance from everyone's favourite would-be adventurer!

Looking at the collar and chain on Ren, though...it makes me wonder that if somebody WERE to summon a succ' like her... I wonder how long they'd last? Probably not even the night. Summon your lustful demons responsibly this Halloween, people, and stay safe!

Until next time~



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