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Heya, everyone Happy October~

This is just a quick post as per usual to announce that I've sent the following rewards out to all those who have processed on the following tiers:

$10 tier - Quest Failed: Chapter One (Version 1.1)
$15 tier - High Resolution Bonus Art (Of Marine, terror of the seas~)
$25 tier - Quest Failed: Chapter Two Alpha Build (0.14 as of August, whoo!)

As per usual, if you believe you were entitled to a reward but have yet to receive it, please don't hesitate to reach out and I'll do my best to get things sorted out for you!

Thanks again for everyone's patience--and last month was a lil bumpy towards the end as my days got consumed by my sleeping schedule falling out of wack due to various things demanding my attention in that scary place known as real life, so I've been as good as a zombie recently, but I intend to get back on track soon and have a large dev log up detailing how I want to go forward next!

Also, since this is October, I'll have some cute Halloween art to share in the following weeks as per usual, so look forward to that!

Until next time, whoooosh!


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