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Hiya there, everyone! I hope you're all keeping cool and safe in this scorching summer! As someone with an affinity for cold myself, I've had a few close run-ins where I've almost melted entirely!

I'm happy to showcase this month's bonus art, which ties into summer rather nicely and gives us a nice look at a typically stern knight taking some much needed time off. Look at that smile--she's actually happy! I'm glad. She deserves it after everything she's been through recently in the plot.

Just, uh...pay no heed to anything in the water. I'm sure it's nothing. Just fish passing by. No impending disasters here--nope!

I really like all the care that was taken in this image to both render Cynthia's wonderful physique, along with all of the smaller details such as the water droplets racing off of her curves. And of course, we can't forget her pool ring either--which is modeled after a unicorn and most majestic steed. Definitely the kind of mount she'd ride into battle!

Also, I just love how the water, fish and underwater plantlife is rendered in general here, as it really ties everything together! There definitely isn't anything else under that water either. You're just imagining things.

I hope you enjoyed this sizzlin' summer piece--and I'll be seeing you all again soon!

Until next time~



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