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Hiya there, happy July~ Now we can celebrate the month of June's even hotter sister--July, whoo!

...If she existed. Which she doesn't. Sadly. I should get on that, though, huh? Something to consider for future games!

This is just a quick message as per usual to inform you all that as of now, I've sent out all of the pending rewards for the month which includes the follow:

$10 tier - Quest Failed: Chapter One (Version 1.1)
$15 tier - High Resolution Bonus Art (This month is of the wonderful carwashing June in all of her high resolution brassiere glory~ Just LOOK at all that lace!)
$25 tier - Quest Failed: Chapter Two (Alpha 0.13)

If you felt you were entitled to a reward but had yet to receive it for any reason, please don't hesitate to reach out and I'll fix things as soon as I can!

Now, I'll be going back to the alpha build grind and will keep you informed as I get closer to releasing 0.14 in the coming days! Whooooooosh~


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