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Hiya there, guys! We're finally back~

Thanks again for your input in the previous poll. It seems--overwhelmingly so--that the majority of you would like to see these posts keep a focus on purely Quest Failed related things--be it the dev logs, lore, sketches and other such insights into the development of the illusive Chapter Two! (It does exist, really! Honest!)

I may still occasionally talk about other small things I have planned--but I'll keep posts like that to a minimum and focus purely on what I'm sure you're all here for--and that's of course, all that monster girl goodness!

So to kick things off--I'm gonna go ahead and be naughty and tease a bit more new content, featuring our lovable bouncy ball of slime, Jilly~ Having once again gotten Matty on his own in her desire to win his heart over completely. She's used her breasts (multiple times over!), her slime, her tongue and even her hands--so what does she possibly have left at her disposal? Honestly I had to put a lot of thought into it--but realised her using her mouth directly would be something a little more unique than just her serpent of a tongue! And thanks to the translucent slime, we'll get quite the window into the action here, ahuhuhu~ This is why her slime is a little brighter than normal, to accommodate for the more translucent window into that jiggly ol' body.

While I typically try to avoid posting straight up R-rated content in the dev logs to leave a little more to the imagination, most of the art for this scene is fully explicit since it kind of jumps right into the thick of things with not as much build up, etc. And It's no fun if I just tease like, a close-up shot of her shoulder or something, right? So consider this CG tease in particular a special gift of sorts~

Additionally, this does bring me to something concerning the main girls--and something I hope will go down okay with all of you! Namely, since there's so many characters that need h-scenes, this does mean I've had to spread things out quite thinly between some of the girls. With some characters getting more love than others (mostly the newer ones that have more unseen territory to explore!) So this means that on average most characters get about 2 - 3 h-scenes. I'm always a bit nervous about this particular fact--as I have no idea what expectations people might have for some of their favorite characters when going in blind.

Perhaps in future games/DLC scenarios I can always make up for the lack of any one character's h-scenes, depending on who people felt had been cheated out of their time in the spotlight? With such a large game, it can be really hard to decide who gets to shine and who needs to take a seat to the backrow--but I really do think I've hit a good balance! Ultimately, you guys will be the judge of that, though.

Anywhos--I'm glad we're back on track with these dev logs now and I can breathe a big sigh of relief. I'll try to have the next one up a day or two before the usual week deadline between each one, just in an effort to normalise the little gap that was created beforehand. I hope you enjoyed this little slimy tease--but if anything I've said brings up any questions in your mind--or if there's something you've just been wanting to ask me anyway--feel free to post in the comments or give me a PM and I'll get back to you promptly! I like to consider the comments a little public, open forum and always try my best to interact with you all!

Until next time~



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