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Hiya there!

It's just a little late, and admittedly I was cutting it SUPER close with planning everything--but today I'm happy to unveil this month's bonus art--namely a fun night out at the inn with Ren!

It was too hard to decide on just one variation for her, so here we have two 'stages' to Ren's grand conquest to down every mug of ale at Anna's disposal.

The first image being her initial excitement from getting her first pint of the night--a nice big 'FWAAAHHHHH' as she takes her first big gulp. Spirits are high!

But then, well...over the span of the night...

Suffice to say, our Super Ultra Royal Spy gets just a little...little bit smashed, having made quite the mess down her front and just barely to blink coherently. It has something of a cute charm to it, too. Y'know, if you don't get too close--or you might get drunk off of the fumes of her breath alone!

Once she gets this drunk by the way, she tends to get pretty frisky~ It's a guarantee that by the end of the night at least one (sometimes more, depending on if she's REALLY frisky) of the men at the inn will find themselves in for a wild time.

I really like some of the small touches to this image that really help make it, like the disheveled scarf slipping down her shoulder, and the slight fuzziness to her drunken eyes to show that she's quite all there upstairs, haha.

Would you go out drinking with Ren, or would you fear the eventual consequences of trying to keep up with her?

As always, those who pledge $15 at the end of the month will get the full resolution version .pngs of both of these variations, without the little text blurb, too.

Thank you for your support and I can't apologise enough for how delayed this piece was. I also have something that needs a couple of extra touches before being uploaded, but you'll have patreon content overload soon enough~




that clears things up for me, also couldn't help but notice the hint you gave on twitter about this months alpha might be out tomorrow instead of on the first. (let me know if i am assuming wrong) kindest regards


Yupyup, I'm aiming for the 31st! Just got some finishing touches and voice clips to put in!


yay early release! my day has been brightened