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Hiya there!

As promised--I'm back a little earlier with the next development log~ Admittedly some bonus things this month I have planned aren't quite ready yet, but I hope to have some subsequent posts up in the future as a special treat that I've been working hard to prepare for you guys as a thanks for all of the support you've been showing me throughout the months. (Think along the lines of bonus scenes, art, etc~)

So--that aside, what have I been focusing on during this past week of development?

Well, one of the most exciting things that's been shaping up is the new progress/relationship screen that you can see attached to the post! The UI artist and I decided to try a slightly different direction than the previous screen in place and I think it turned out really nicely! Showing off the lovely character art more within the portraits and representing the 'love' a character feels towards you with hearts rather than a bar--which I think was a really cute idea, so jumped on it almost immediately. There are still some little things to tweak here and there such as the name text, but I'm really happy with how it's shaping up and can't wait to implement it!

Secondly, after a lot of blood, sweat and tears on both my end and programmer's, we've fully implemented the icon system for choices that I teased before.

It now remembers decisions you've made in previously playthroughs and will represent it with a little tick next to the speech bubble!

With the coding finalised, I'll now have to of course go back through all of the choices in the game and decide how best to implement the icons, so for the next alpha build or two, things will be a little rough as I work everything out in terms of icons.

Speaking of the alpha builds--I've been making crazy progress on the writing these past few days and am still on track to launch the new alpha before the end of this month. It'll feature at least 3 new CG scenes (possibly 4 if I work things out well enough) and expands on the main story that had been put on hold for quite some time. It's been really exciting to move forward this much and I can't wait to share the progress with you guys and get feedback on how to make it even better~

Lastly, I want to ask a question to you guys: are you happy with the current content within these most recent dev logs? As I understand, especially this month, it's been a lot more technical stuff and showing off of systems rather than character art or CG scenes themselves. As admittedly, I've shown off a lot of art over the course of the months and don't want to risk spoiling you all on the remaining surprises. But then I don't want you to feel the posts aren't delivering what you pledge for, either! So please let me know! In the future I may put up a feedback form so you can answer anonymously if you prefer that way.

Rest assured, I'm doing my best to fill in these gaps by getting unique bonus monthly artwork done along with bonus content--it just seems this month things ran into a little snag despite my best intentions with reaching out to people to create said content for me. It's been a bit of a stressful time for me to plan out so many options and backup plans and see all of it kind of come to a screeching halt. Dx

But it's not all doom and gloom--as I say, writing is going super well and the new alpha is only a matter of days now!

Thank you all for your amazing support as always and hopefully I'll have a new post up in the coming days with some fun new content to share!




Whew lad! Glad i upped my reward to get the alpha next month. You doing great keep it up! :D


Just to say...you're one of the most dedicated and informative devs I've had the pleasure of throwing money at. Thank ya, man. Keep up the awesome work and I can't wait for the game to come out.


Thank you so much, I'm really glad to hear that! I always try my best to keep you guys informed of things and want to ensure I have everyone's faith that game is going to be as good as it can be. I actually get really anxious when it gets close to the week mark after a dev log and feel like I'm letting everyone down if I don't keep up the momentum. Because without the support of everyone, this project never could have grown as big as it has done


Thank you so much! I really hope you'll enjoy the alpha and all the new things I've been adding to it over the month!