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 Be the 3rd to comment! in order to win this month's free art contest.  

❤️ Patreons, are allowed to comment multiple times in order to boost themselves to the 3rd comment. (Comment doesn't have to have any words; you can use single letters or numbers.) 

The Theme is: Lingerie/ NSFW  Or upgrade the Fanart of the month to Painted

TOS rules apply! 




levin hardin

Ugh another one of these.

levin hardin

Congrats on winning the 'who has the fast internet and nothing better to do" challenge.

levin hardin

Hmmm. Does this count as the 3rd comment since it the third one here now? Doubt it XD


Thanks! I was trying all week to win and almost slept through this contest. I had to scramble to get to the computer in time. By the time I loaded Patreon the contest was already there but no one else had responded. I got really lucky 😭

levin hardin

Ugh as in 'great another who has the fastest internet challenge that 99% of her patreons won't know about until it's too late'


If i recall had asked people earlier about it since patreon doesn't allow certain types of contests under their TOS or something. One way i have seen it that seems good and bad for contest is people post their idea and what they would want then artist picks what interests them most. Though have heard complaints of that style if an artist likes certain characters or species and not others.


Wonder if patreon TOS would allow a similar contest of post then use a random number generator to pick what post# wins. Seems Hard to find a contest way that everyone is happy with.


I understand you're not happy with the contest. But please, could you refine from sending your complaints to other Patrons. If you have any dissatisfaction with me or how my Patreon is running you can direct those comments at me personally. thank you.


No, that's still a raffle aka gambling. The first comment first serve is the only contest Patreon allows. I'll try to adjust it the best I can to make it fair for everyone aka extended suspension from entering the contest or moving it from 3rd comment to 5th. So far most people seem happy with the changes and new people that couldn't win before are now able to.

levin hardin

Well I did bring them up to you before but here we are again with the same contest as before.


I feel like you're just being mean. I was really excited about being able to win and thought you were actually congratulating me. It didn't feel good when you said you were being sarcastic. You don't have to go around hurting others just because you're upset.

levin hardin

Well when I said 'who has the fastest internet and nothing better to do challenge' should have given it away that I was being sarcastic but I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I'm not upset I'm disappointed at this contest that's over before 99% of her patreons knows it's even started. Some of us have jobs and can't look at our phones for hours but we still support Ash and deserve a chance to win some of her awesome art. So it would be nice if everyone one had equal opportunity to win or at least better chances. Here's and idea Ash. What if instead of the first comment winning the last comment wins. You give us one hour to comment and the last comment when time is up wins that will give a lot more of your patreons a chance to win something form you.


That's not a bad idea. I'll talk to my people and see what we can work out. Thanks for your suggestion.