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The comic is back! I'm on ADHD medication as of this week, and I think it's a good thing! More comics soon!


Dark Science #109 - Advanced Conflict Resolution

Sorry it's been a while, I've had a lot of Real Life things to sort out lately, but all of that is settled. In new and exciting news, I've started on ADHD medication this week and good gracious does it improve my productivity and general well-being. Here's to a better functioning brain!



That's forking hilarious.

C.J. Pitchford

Sorry to hear about Real Life™ things, but I'm glad you're feeling better!


Yay new page and yay possibly helpful new meds❣️


Hells yeah, ADHD medication did wonders for me as well!

Hugh Eckert

Great page! Kim just keeps getting into a pickle! Hope the meds continue to be good for you!


So happy for you Arryn! Better living though chemistry!


Yay for good meds!

Mr. Leeds (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-10 10:55:12 I was like "the green eyed robot isn't the right color, but whatever" and then "oooooooh" <3
2021-08-27 19:10:36 I was like "the green eyed robot isn't the right color, but whatever" and then "oooooooh" <3

I was like "the green eyed robot isn't the right color, but whatever" and then "oooooooh" <3

Some Ed

I think there's no 'keeps' about it. I think it's one giant pickle that she was born in and has never left. I mean "born" in the figurative sense, of course, since this is Kim we're talking about. Every so often, she finds tiny little air pockets, and thinks she's out of the pickle. But even then, it still surrounds her, so she's back "in" it before much time at all.
