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Your questions put me in a rather pheasant mood.  

No, the puns will never get old and no they will never stop ;p


A Rather Fowl Situation Epilogue


oshra duek

Yes, you are an artist! maybe not a painter, although, I suspect you are that too. But you do an artistic work on teaching, educating and of course conserving. At least that is my opinion after following you the past few years (:


I think it would be a powerful addition to these epilogues if you showed the "before and after" images in the beginning of the video. I remember watching the original video, but I've forgotten the details around how damaged the piece was originally and the resulting transformation when completed. I suppose I could go back and rewatch the episode, but I think it would make these reviews a little more complete if you included it as a matter of course. Similarly, if you are discussing a very specific point in the restoration, it would be helpful to include an image of that moment as a visual reference. Just some suggestions to improve an already great video!