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Diminutive but not without big problems, this Greek icon promises great things but the path to redemption won't come without a bit of effort.


Damaged, Icon, Fix It - AD FREE

Diminutive but not without big problems, this Greek icon promises great things but the path to redemption won't come without a bit of effort.



This might be a inappropriate question, but I do am curious. What is the average price of the conservation of a piece is there a rough frame of a budget your work moves in. and how many hours do you roughly spend with a painting to get it back „to health“. What was the longest time you send with a piece?


Your work brings joy and peace to my heart. I’m not an artist but I love watching you protect paintings that could otherwise be cast off. God Bless you and your impressive gifts.


Julian did one job for me, and turned down another, a wonderful fake Cuzco piece. The project he took on was only a cleaning and some restoration to the gesso and "gold leaf" of the frame liner. I won't mention any numbers, but it was quite reasonable. Cleaning brings a dirty painting to life. I sent the before and after shots to the gallery owner, and this was her response: Hi Robert, Thank you so much! This is hugely appreciated. Jack would have been so pleased to know this work is treasured. Very best wishes,