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Hello everyone! I'd like to thank everyone for being so incredibly patient with me over the past week. Things were extremely busy irl as I'd expected, and while there's still quite a bit to get done and still some issues to resolve, I think that things have calmed down enough to allow me to write properly again. 

Both Humans Don't Hibernate and Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School will be resuming posting as usual on their regularly scheduled weekly updates starting this week! 

Again, thank you guys so much for being so cool and patient with me! :D I can't express how much I appreciate all of you for being so incredibly understanding. Your comments on the announcement post really meant a lot to me, and I mean this when I say it: I'm so incredibly happy to have you guys here with my for my silly little literary adventures. Now! Without further a do, let's get back on track! :D Let the stories resume! :D 

May the stars see your journey safe,
