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Hello everyone! I apologize for the rather abrupt nature of this announcement, but I'll keep it short! :D 

Because of my work and study schedule and certain family matters, next week is looking to be more full than normal, which is saying quite a lot given that some of you already know that I'm a medical student. As a result of this, I'm planning to delay both Humans Don't Hibernate and Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School by 1 week, with posts resuming the week following next week. I do sincerely apologize for this delay, but circumstances have made it such that I'm not sure if I can guarantee the same quality of story if I do plow through next week as I usually do each week. I want to make sure that I'm pouring my heart into each chapter, and to make sure each chapter meets my standards and expectations. As a result, with next week shaping to be the way it is, I'm afraid I might not be able to perform as well as I should be. So for that, I do apologize. 

This is the first time since I started writing that I've interrupted my post schedule, and it's something I don't take lightly. Again, I do apologize for all of this, but I'll be back with both Humans Don't Hibernate and Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School as soon as the week after turns around! :D 

May the stars see your journey safe,




After just becoming a patron barely yesterday in order to read all the pre-publication chapters of the Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School, I am in turn served a neat little lesson in patience. What a poetic little circumstance to humble and temper my ADHD! In all seriousness though, I am so new to here I didn't even know there WAS a rigid posting schedule! I am in awe at your consistency thus far, then, and wish you all the stress relief you might require or want to balance out the intensity of this week. Please, take it on, take it easy, and make it quality over haphazard quantity! We can wait if it means that the story will be all the better for it!


Just take care of your stuff! As much as I love your stories, I can wait.