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Things progressed rather quickly after the end of the orientation. In fact, a lot of things seemed to have been expedited for the sake of getting our asses out of the dining hall and into our dorms as quickly as possible; all without actually saying it of course. The lights around us slowly dimmed after the first few courses of food were served, and as the desserts finally came through, so too did these individualized letters arrive on similarly posh silver platters. Each letter was sealed in an envelope that was custom made for each of us, with different colors, designs, and even a custom wax seal that I’d only seen on period-dramas and movies. My letter however was particularly bland, a starch-white paper that was devoid of any detailing or embellishments, save for my name written on it in stunning cursive and capped off with a plain, unmarked wax seal.

Thacea seemed to have taken notice of my hesitation with the letter, as everyone else had already started unsealing them and reading the contents within. “Do not think much of the lack of sigils and regalia, Emma. You’re a newrealmer, so a lack of any identifying markings is to be expected. With time, as the Academy learns more about you, your customs, your people, and your house, I’m more than certain that you will find such official correspondences to be much more tailored to befit your personal honor.” The avian attempted to reassure me, completely missing the point entirely but much to her credit, reinforcing my assumptions of the Academy.

The place wanted to extract as much intel out of me as I was planning to do from it. This would be an interesting game of cat and mouse, but first, I wanted to see what awaited me inside this mystery envelope.

After unsealing the wax, I was met with a high quality parchment with what I assumed was the Academy’s insignia at its header: two keys crossed diagonally with a wand and book superimposed in the middle, mimicking the titular medieval heraldry of a sword and shield. Within the letter were the contents of the entire orientation summed up in a mini-syllabus, which puzzled me as there didn’t seem to be any new information within the lone piece of A4 parchment. That was, until I reached the bottom of the letter, and the meticulously crafted calligraphy of the page suddenly melted.


The text that had been written in what I assumed was ink simply dematerialized, then melted, before reforming into new letters and words like an unnecessarily complicated slide transition on a PowerPoint presentation. It didn’t sit right with me though, because despite it being animated like a digital screen, it still looked and felt like paper. I knew e-ink tech existed back at home, but the fact of the matter was the preferred form of media consumption was still your traditional screen interface. Although it was now flexible, bendable, and unbreakable, it never really attempted to mimic paper. Because why would it?

“Heh, surprised Earthrealmer?” Ilunor suddenly piped up after seeing my extended staring. I didn’t know how else he would’ve gauged my reaction given the helmet, so this was more than likely just a provocation made out of spite or some underlying prejudice. I half expected this though given his attitude from before.

“What about?” I snapped back, too tired to argue, but also too annoyed to really let that comment pass.

“You know, I understand the desire to save face. I really do. But you don’t really need to do so in front of us. We’re your peer group after all, and it’s important for us to know what you have and lack in your realm. Newrealmers are generally more… primitive in their predispositions. Seeing text move across parchment must be new to you… indeed, seeing text at all must be an entirely new concept for most of your kind for sure.” The diminutive lizard spoke with that same inflated sense of self worth and ego that I narrowed my eyes at despite knowing it wouldn’t be picked up by anyone around me, let alone the lizard.

It was at this point that I had a choice.

I either ignored the discount kobold and continued on reading. Or I smacked him upside the head with a data-tab to show him just what moving text actually looked like. The latter would’ve been quite effective too, given the fact that I was assigned a milspec data-tab. So unlike most tablets in the commercial market that prioritized sleekness, thinness, and style all the while sacrificing resilience. Milspec tablets still very much resembled the bulky electronic hardware of the 25th, 24th, 23rd, heck, even the early 21st century. Ruggedness and survivability was the key, so I knew that smacking the lizard upside the head with it would certainly do more damage to him than the tablet itself.

I decided on a compromise, as I wordlessly grabbed my tablet from my belt, turned it towards the lizard, and began scrolling through some of the open tabs I had. Making sure to scroll as fast as possible as tens of pages flung by with each flick of my finger.

I only did this for a few moments to prove my point of course, but the reaction I garnered from Ilunor was nothing short of worth it.

His mouth hung agape, his eyes grew wide, his whole body seemed to tense as he tried to speak but found himself unable to do so. Stuttered words emerged from his gaping maw, but all of them were quickly shushed by the likes of Thalmin who seemed more annoyed of the man’s antics than anything.

“B-but the Earthrealmer, they, that… what… what was… that’s not… they’re not supposed to-”

“What? Just spit it out or I’ll bite you.” Thalmin growled, as he and Thacea seemed to be too preoccupied with the contents of their own letters to have paid my little interaction with Ilunor any mind.

After recovering from that brief exchange with a triumphant chuckle underneath my helmet, I began combing through the letter for all of the unspoken announcements alluded to during the orientation. What was highlighted above all else however were three, quite understandably, important topics.

Dormitory Assignment: Dragon’s Heart Tower, Level 23, Residence 30.

Weapons Inspection: Conducted by School Blacksmith and Armorer Professor Rowan Heart, at the North Field Proving Grounds, by the stroke of Midnight tomorrow.

House Assignments: Conducted by Professor Altalan Rur Astur, Professor Vanavan, and Professor Mal’Tory, location to be determined. No preparations required. Details will be posted to your dorms on the 4th day of the Grace Period.

Both the Weapons Inspection and House Assignments worried me greatly. The former was tricky, as on one hand it could be a solid show of force for humanity, which seemed to be sorely needed in an Academy clearly designed to force the upper echelons of the other realms to bend the knee. However on the other hand it could lead to unforeseen consequences, most concerning of which was losing the element of surprise, or worse yet, outright technological theft. I’d have to sleep on it… but suffice it to say, even though my pistol was relatively obsolete by modern standards, it was still leagues beyond whatever this place had.

The latter however was a complete mystery, and whilst it gave me bad vibes, I knew I’d have to rely on the likes of Thacea and Thalmin to fill me in on what to expect. It was clear they had prior knowledge of Academy life, so they’d be a vital resource to rely on. I’d worry about that later.

The other details listed in the letter were rather mundane, and relatively benign: school supply procurements, uniform tailoring, as well as other assorted details including the schedule for the first semester and the names and offices of all professors assigned to Year 1 students.

To be honest I was getting tired by this point as the only thing keeping me up was the latent effects of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

It was clear everyone else at the table shared a similar sentiment as yawns and half-lidded eyes abounded all around me. Prompting of course someone to mention the possibility of finally retiring for the night and heading to the dorms.

“Well if there isn’t anything else we have to do, let’s get moving. We have a new home to look forward to, and we still have to decide on sleeping arrangements.” Thalmin spoke up, taking charge as he stood up.

Ilunor followed suit, as he glanced towards Thacea. “Let’s just hope our dorm is one of the three-bedroom variety, and not two, because I’d hate to force anyone here to room with our tainted Princess.” He spoke, in a surprisingly calm manner which really clued me in as to how he perceived Thacea. If he could discriminate this passively, then the whole taint discrimination must have run deep. “Even you, Earthrealmer.” He turned towards me. “As much as I dislike your presence, I’d rather a quick and proper death than one by inadvertent and unexpected taint consumption.”

I ignored the discount kobold once again as all four of us made our way out of the Grand Hall and out into the castle proper.


En Route to the Dorms

The journey up and towards the dorms was one that I’d definitely need the suit’s footage to review. There was no way I could remember every twist and turn, every hallway and corridor, every stairway and stairwell, every side passage and connecting room that led us to where we found ourselves now. Indeed, I wasn’t surprised that Ilunor had practically begged me to carry him the rest of the way, as his little lizard legs were clearly not built for scaling the lengths and heights of this verifiable castle of a school.

I refused to oblige of course.

Until, suddenly, the comparatively small thing all but gave up on walking, forcing me to bridal carry him the rest of the way towards the dorms.

Indeed, there was even drama about that service I’d freely offered him. For in his own words it just wasn’t “becoming” of a noble and being of his standing. I told him I couldn’t give less of a crap about his standing, and that his little legs barely gave him anything to stand on. The diminutive lizard however refused to listen, and instead took it upon himself to scurry up and around my arms, scaling me like some sort of an unruly house cat, before finding himself perched up on my shoulders. However, instead of draping himself across them like a scarf like my cat usually did, he’d decided to perch himself like some glorified jockey, his legs dangling from my shoulders and his arms firmly cinched up against the chin of my helmet.

I would’ve been worried the helmet would slip off if it wasn’t for the 3 layered hermetic seal and maglocks which kept it tightly affixed to the rest of my armor.

The whole affair was somewhat demeaning, and really humiliating when you looked at it from an outsider’s perspective, but I really couldn’t care less as at least it kept the lizard’s mouth shut as we made our final approach towards our dorm.

Even Thacea and Thalmin refused to comment. Either out of pity for the lizard or out of respect for me having to deal with him.

Suffice it to say, I breathed more than a sigh of relief as we finally made it to our room, and as I laid my eyes on it, my mouth hung more agape than the lizard’s reaction to my tablet.


Dragon’s Heart Tower, Level 23, Residence 30.

I didn’t know what I was expecting with the accommodations. To be honest, that was the last thing on my mind given the non stop barrage of stressful circumstances that had come to dominate the majority of my evening.

A part of me was excited for it though. It was the same intrusive part of my mind that still wanted to see this place for what it clearly wasn’t: a fantasy. Images conjured up from years of hyperfixations on novels detailing dormitories in magic schools and academies certainly didn’t help matters.

As a former college student I didn’t have high hopes for these ‘dormitories’. As an academy student however, the possibilities were endless.

So when we’d finally made our way down the very end of the hall, after climbing up flight after flight of complicated, moving, and frankly disorientating staircases… I had more than my fair share of conflicting expectations. Expectations that would be completely thrown out the window as the double doors opened, revealing a room that immediately struck me as a design pulled straight out of a 5 star hotel suite in some heritage building dating back to pre-20th century vintage.

The double doors gave way to a small hallway which opened up to a living room four, maybe even five times the size of my aunt’s New York City apartment in the heart of the Acela Corridor. Windows that looked more at home in a cathedral dominated the majority of the living space, which was otherwise centered around a fireplace that roared to life as soon as the doors behind us closed shut. A series of sofas, lounge chairs, bookcases, and coffee tables adorned the oak, timber, and granite tiled floors. This complemented what I could only describe as a mix of wood frame wall panels with white accents that felt somewhat precarious when considering that the fireplace ever so often emitted embers that floated high up to the roof of the room.

That was another thing I needed to mention right off the bat…

The fucking ceilings.

Most apartments in the Acela Corridor, the combined megacity that was New York, New Jersey, Boston, Washington DC and Baltimore, had a maximum ceiling height of about 7 feet. You’d be lucky to find a place with ceilings that high in fact, but my Aunt was lucky enough to have inherited a legacy apartment dating back to the late 21st century.

The ceiling in this “dormitory”? It went up a good 10, maybe even 15 feet. It actually sort of angled inwards towards a rectangular point, what I assumed was probably just the way the roof of this tower was shaped, when considering the fact we were right near the top of it.

The ceiling tapered up towards these open wood-frame support beams and struts that could house an entire colony of pigeons. Indeed, my overactive imagination conjured up thoughts of Thacea perching upon it given her avian form, a thought which would’ve made me chuckle wildly if not for how awestruck I was from the grandeur of this place.

I stood there, dumbfounded and absolutely stunned as the rest of my peers seemed to walk through it like it was just another room to them.

“What a dump…” Ilunor muttered under his breath, scampering off of my shoulders and back onto his feet. Which surprised me not because he’d consider this place anything but utterly mindblowing, but because he still found it in him to fucking complain even after everything we’ve been through.

“Furnishings and quarters more fit for a minor lord or a knight. Say, this would more than likely be what you’re used to, right, Emma of Earthrealm?” Thalmin spoke with that same, gruff tone of voice. It was clear however he was still attempting to play nice, so I responded with the only thing my awestruck self could do at that point.

I shrugged.

“How’re you finding the quarters, Princess? Are they to your liking?” Thalmin quickly turned to face Thacea, who seemed to be analyzing the place with those piercing eyes of hers. Her hand ran across some of the furnishings as she pinched her fingers together at the slightest bit of dust.

“I am partial towards anything the Academy wishes to provide us.” The avian answered diplomatically.

“Oh come on, answer truthfully, Princess.” The Lupinor egged her on for a less guarded response, one that she seemed to give quickly after that prompting.

“If I am to be… blunt about it, this place is sorely lacking in amenities as it is in size and design. A hallway leading into a rectangular living quarters. With only two bedrooms flanking the hallway near the entrance? You’re right in your presumptions, Prince Thalmin. These quarters seem to be quite suited for an individual of knighthood status or perhaps even a minor lordship.” Thacea responded with sincerity, though remaining tactful in her tone and delivery.

“No dining room.” Ilunor mumbled out as he splayed across one of the couches. Again, reminding me of a spoiled feline.

“My points exactly.”  Thacea responded, as I stared at all of them with an unbreaking expression of utter disbelief.

“So! We must deliberate on the matter of our shared sleeping quarters. Given we were assigned just two, it is clear that they intend on us sharing the rooms.” Thalmin spoke, attempting to push the conversation towards a more productive path, which was completely thrown off before it could even begin as I saw a smaller door opening up at the far side of the room. A door that I hadn’t noticed before given how seamlessly it blended into the wood paneling.

Emerging from it was a member of the same diminutive elven race that had read out my name upon entry to the grand hall. This one however seemed much more shabbily dressed, adorned in rags if they could even be called that. It seemed to be dragging out oversized suitcases and luggage, which I immediately assumed belonged to my peers here. An assumption that was promptly proven right as Ilunor sighed loudly upon seeing it.

“Just place it wherever, aura-less, and leave us alone when you’re done.” Ilunor spoke dismissively.

The being bowed deeply in response, as it seemed to be quick in grabbing more luggage and suitcases, which at this point was quickly taken by both Thalmin and Thacea, who snatched them from the elf’s hands as they both spoke at the same time.

“That won’t be necessary.” They spoke with sympathy and pity in their voices, Ilunor however instead seemed to glare at the whole exchange with an annoyed expression.

“The elf is here to serve. Let it serve.” He spoke as he snapped his fingers twice. “Where are your manners aura-less. Introduce yourself to your betters.”

“A-apologies master. I… I- I am Aurin. I have been assigned as your dormitory’s resident porter. If there is anything I can do, anything at all, I will be at your command throughout the day and night.” The elf spoke, before bowing deeply toward each and every one of us.

Thacea and Thalmin’s reactions were easy enough to read. The Princess seemed wary to show any emotion, but it was clear through those very expressive eyes that a great sadness was welling up within her. Thalmin’s reactions however were far more confusing, as it was clear there was some level of personal shame there, as if he had something to say but couldn’t.

“Go back to your hole, we were discussing something important.” Ilunor finally waved the poor thing off, as I was once again stuck there utterly thrown off by everything.

As soon as the elf was out of the room however, I felt as if I needed to say something about that whole exchange. I simply couldn’t stand by and watch as that just happened in front of me. That was the last straw, and I couldn’t just let it go without addressing it.



God. I love stories like these. But for some reason worlds like this always make me think of “they should be fucking glad they’re dealing with us and not something like Daleks” while also being “I think a lesson should be taught in force here” lord knows I’d probably stay silent but always try to show off when I do something

George Hicken

Technical question about magic interaction. How did the parchment know she had got to the end of the page? Her eyes are hidden and it cannot be interacting with her via magic means given the suit. I had a similar question about absolute resistance of the suit and the quill, but there it’d be reasonable design to max out force applied if no mental reading could be obtained. With reading that would have left her with only the initial page of text. If every other entity can have their reading progress tracked, there’s no reason to implement active “next page” buttons or similar. How these utility magics are interacting with her at all needs to be resolved as I’m certain there are other instances. For example basic wards to open the dorm doors.


This is a very valid question to ask! I should've made it clearer in the story so I might go back to edit it, but basically there's one of two functions, one being what just happened to Emma which is effectively just like an auto-scroll function with a predetermined time interval per page! So whilst she was thinking to herself why it was there was just one page, the time interval came around and the page just changed to the next one! However there's also a manual function as well, where all you do is just flip the paper over once and it'll kinda refresh to the previous or next page depending on which way you flip it. :D The other magic implements within the school basically run off of their own internal magic 'reservoirs' or the mana surrounding it. It'll be revealed later how mana is effectively like a "fuel" for all magic and the Nexus is effectively just always overflowing with it so any latent spell that exists is similar to infrastructure that's set up that's just consuming the latent mana around it naturally. The triggers to each of these implements are very much dependent on what it is, but most of the time all it needs is a simple physical contact such as say, tapping on a door to open it, or moving your hand one way to gesture for a staircase to move to another floor. It's designed so that individuals who don't have as effective of a control over magic (those with a mana-field but who cannot harness magic as effectively as individuals blessed with more effective mana-fields such as the students in the academy) can still effectively use the systems around them! :D I hope that answers your question and thank you so much for the comment! :D


Thank you! I've honestly been itching to write something like this for ages. Like, I've read so many stories that touch on this but like, I've always wanted to read something that was tailor made to exactly what I wanted. I guess one day I just decided to just go for it and well here we are :D But yeah! Honestly I totally get and feel you there. They have it easy as the person to challenge their way of life and belief systems isn't someone or something way more vindictive haha, especially since it's Emma of all people who is on the more sane and reasonable side of things in terms of characters. Thank you for the comment! :D

George Hicken

It makes sense. Is it very unusual to have something like the quill that operates based on a users mental state (degree of submission in that case)? Given magic can still interact even those without control over mana-fields I was assuming that would be used heavily for identification, triggers based on mental state like the quill, etc, and things like access wards. Was wondering how they’d handle her basically not existing from the perspective of magic - maybe have to craft her a token to give her a prosthetic mana field. Non issue if they don’t lean on existence of mana fields in their magictech