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Things progressed rather quickly after the end of the orientation. In fact, a lot of things seemed to have been expedited for the sake of getting our asses out of the dining hall and into our dorms as quickly as possible; all without actually saying it of course. The lights around us slowly dimmed after the first few courses of food were served, and as the desserts finally came through, so too did these individualized letters arrive on similarly posh silver platters. Each letter was sealed in an envelope that was custom made for each of us, with different colors, designs, and even a custom wax seal that I’d only seen on period-dramas and movies. My letter however was particularly bland, a starch-white paper that was devoid of any detailing or embellishments, save for my name written on it in stunning cursive and capped off with a plain, unmarked wax seal.

Thacea seemed to have taken notice of my hesitation with the letter, as everyone else had already started unsealing them and reading the contents within. “Do not think much of the lack of sigils and regalia, Emma. You’re a newrealmer, so a lack of any identifying markings is to be expected. With time, as the Academy learns more about you, your customs, your people, and your house, I’m more than certain that you will find such official correspondences to be much more tailored to befit your personal honor.” The avian attempted to reassure me, completely missing the point entirely but much to her credit, reinforcing my assumptions of the Academy.

The place wanted to extract as much intel out of me as I was planning to do from it. This would be an interesting game of cat and mouse, but first, I wanted to see what awaited me inside this mystery envelope.

After unsealing the wax, I was met with a high quality parchment with what I assumed was the Academy’s insignia at its header: two keys crossed diagonally with a wand and book superimposed in the middle, mimicking the titular medieval heraldry of a sword and shield. Within the letter were the contents of the entire orientation summed up in a mini-syllabus, which puzzled me as there didn’t seem to be any new information within the lone piece of A4 parchment. That was, until I reached the bottom of the letter, and the meticulously crafted calligraphy of the page suddenly melted.


The text that had been written in what I assumed was ink simply dematerialized, then melted, before reforming into new letters and words like an unnecessarily complicated slide transition on a PowerPoint presentation. It didn’t sit right with me though, because despite it being animated like a digital screen, it still looked and felt like paper. I knew e-ink tech existed back at home, but the fact of the matter was the preferred form of media consumption was still your traditional screen interface. Although it was now flexible, bendable, and unbreakable, it never really attempted to mimic paper. Because why would it?

“Heh, surprised Earthrealmer?” Ilunor suddenly piped up after seeing my extended staring. I didn’t know how else he would’ve gauged my reaction given the helmet, so this was more than likely just a provocation made out of spite or some underlying prejudice. I half expected this though given his attitude from before.

“What about?” I snapped back, too tired to argue, but also too annoyed to really let that comment pass.

“You know, I understand the desire to save face. I really do. But you don’t really need to do so in front of us. We’re your peer group after all, and it’s important for us to know what you have and lack in your realm. Newrealmers are generally more… primitive in their predispositions. Seeing text move across parchment must be new to you… indeed, seeing text at all must be an entirely new concept for most of your kind for sure.” The diminutive lizard spoke with that same inflated sense of self worth and ego that I narrowed my eyes at despite knowing it wouldn’t be picked up by anyone around me, let alone the lizard.

It was at this point that I had a choice.

I either ignored the discount kobold and continued on reading. Or I smacked him upside the head with a data-tab to show him just what moving text actually looked like. The latter would’ve been quite effective too, given the fact that I was assigned a milspec data-tab. So unlike most tablets in the commercial market that prioritized sleekness, thinness, and style all the while sacrificing resilience. Milspec tablets still very much resembled the bulky electronic hardware of the 25th, 24th, 23rd, heck, even the early 21st century. Ruggedness and survivability was the key, so I knew that smacking the lizard upside the head with it would certainly do more damage to him than the tablet itself.

I decided on a compromise, as I wordlessly grabbed my tablet from my belt, turned it towards the lizard, and began scrolling through some of the open tabs I had. Making sure to scroll as fast as possible as tens of pages flung by with each flick of my finger.

I only did this for a few moments to prove my point of course, but the reaction I garnered from Ilunor was nothing short of worth it.

His mouth hung agape, his eyes grew wide, his whole body seemed to tense as he tried to speak but found himself unable to do so. Stuttered words emerged from his gaping maw, but all of them were quickly shushed by the likes of Thalmin who seemed more annoyed of the man’s antics than anything.

“B-but the Earthrealmer, they, that… what… what was… that’s not… they’re not supposed to-”

“What? Just spit it out or I’ll bite you.” Thalmin growled, as he and Thacea seemed to be too preoccupied with the contents of their own letters to have paid my little interaction with Ilunor any mind.

After recovering from that brief exchange with a triumphant chuckle underneath my helmet, I began combing through the letter for all of the unspoken announcements alluded to during the orientation. What was highlighted above all else however were three, quite understandably, important topics.

Dormitory Assignment: Dragon’s Heart Tower, Level 23, Residence 30.

Weapons Inspection: Conducted by School Blacksmith and Armorer Professor Rowan Heart, at the North Field Proving Grounds, by the stroke of Midnight tomorrow.

House Assignments: Conducted by Professor Altalan Rur Astur, Professor Vanavan, and Professor Mal’Tory, location to be determined. No preparations required. Details will be posted to your dorms on the 4th day of the Grace Period.

Both the Weapons Inspection and House Assignments worried me greatly. The former was tricky, as on one hand it could be a solid show of force for humanity, which seemed to be sorely needed in an Academy clearly designed to force the upper echelons of the other realms to bend the knee. However on the other hand it could lead to unforeseen consequences, most concerning of which was losing the element of surprise, or worse yet, outright technological theft. I’d have to sleep on it… but suffice it to say, even though my pistol was relatively obsolete by modern standards, it was still leagues beyond whatever this place had.


I Dare Korval

One has to wonder how many times Ilunor is going to react like that, but I suspose an open mouth will make it easier for him to catch flies. I seriously have to wonder what's going to happen with "Weapons Inspection". They mention a blacksmith and armorer who will probably wholely and completely be unable to understand or comprehend Earthrealm technology. I guess we will see "mouth hung agape" quite a few more time in the near future. But as Emma mentioned, she's going to have to carefully guage just how much to reveal at this point. This will surely lead the Academy heads to start paying alot closer attention to Emma (through Ilunor probably). When he gets caught sneeking through Emma's things, it could do alot of harm to thier budding "peer group". I have a feeling that everyone, knowing the Earthrealm is severly lacking in mana, will be like Ilunor and assume we could accomplish nothing without it. Apparently they need to learn the old saying "Better to light a candle, then sit and curse the darkness". P.S. I cannot wait until she calls him a "discount kobold" to his face. :)


I love the way you phrased that, I'm literally grinning irl right now because of it haha XD But yes, you can expect Ilunor to have his worldview blown wide open quite a few times throughout this series! He has a lot of baggage, similar to the rest of the group, but unlike the rest of the gang he finds himself using unhealthy coping mechanisms. With the most prominent one on display here being this unhealthy desire to find ways to elevate himself, more often than not by highlighting other's faults and making himself seem better in comparison. There's a lot to Ilunor, and a lot to the backstories of the entire gang and I'm so excited to be exploring it as the series progresses! :D Also yup! I want to play this as properly as I can in order to have Emma come across as competent and reasonable, whilst at the same time not coming at the cost of the fun of the story. I have a good idea in mind as to how to best approach the weapons inspection, and drafts being thrown around here and there. By the time we get to it though, I hope you guys will like it! :D At the end of the day though the Academy will try its best to dig as much intel out of Emma as it possibly can. Emma, however, will be doing much the same and she has quite a few unexpected means of doing so that the Academy's just not aware of! :D And yeah, when people start to realize that Earthrealm is lacking in mana, the first thought that will come to mind is a lack of civilization because of it. However, they're going to be in for quite a shock, perhaps even more than Ilunor! I'm not going to lie I love and am very proud the term discount kobold and I can't wait to use that one day when Emma blows up in front of Ilunor haha! :D

I Dare Korval

Ilunor needs to learn the old expression "One does not raise oneself up by putting others down.". Also I'm sure Emma has been loaded up with all sorts of spy tech. Keep up the good work!


I think that he'll eventually learn that lesson, even though it might not look like it now, Ilunor has room to grow! I have lots of plans for the gang and I'm so happy you're around to see them develop together! :D Thank you for your comments and your support! :D I'll be seeing you around for the next installment coming very soon!


How I feel the blacksmith and armorer will react. "It's an amazing craftsmanship but where does the mana go" completely not understanding the lack of any mana in the weapons. "Looks at a gun. So fire magic to propel a piece of rock or metal forward at good speed. What do you mean it's not magic, what is gunpowder?" Much like how the kobold was mind blown by the old data pad they will be mind blown by the weapons, and everyone in the know will fear the question "what if humans got mana"


Also a general question do other races/people in the nexus have a concept of space travel or is it only earthrealm that has achieved it. I feel like it would be funny seeing an astronomy type class in which mc schools everyone with proof about the things in space (at least in the human realm) or watch others think she is insane for suggesting any living being could be in space for prolong amounts of time.