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Here we are lads, here we go


Finishing the comics page i'm working on, then doing the september 2023, ll do at least the b/w elite ones this week (or try to)
If i manage, i'll open sketch comms next week, like last month. Idea is, if i manage to do comms, and not getting MORE LATE, i'll open comms for a few sketch at the end of the month. If i'm behind my objectives, i won't. Baiting myself for more money ;D

See ya Space cowboy

Finished the campaign in the game Hardspace Shipbreaker.
For those who dunno it or didn't read last time i talked of it. It's a game making you a shipbreaker. You go to spaceship to demantle them.
At first the game is easy, just go, cut things, manage oxygen and your combinaison gaz. Then you get more tools to work with, tenders to link pieces to a place, so you can move HUGE chunk of ships easy.
And the ships are getting more complicated, be carefull, this one have still atmosphere in, be carefull of explosive decompression. Or , look out, thie reactor may become quite problematic if it reach critical state and.. well, a fusion reactor don't like being waken up like this ^^.
Game got a story, some dislike it, but i found it enjoyable. Purpose once you finished to pay your debt, cause yeah, the company make you pay for every bits you got, your food? 20k$.. after all we have to bring it to space dude.
But that done, you got to build yourself a spaceship, based on a kinda half dead hull a friend gave you and pieces you can scratch in other space ship you dismantle.
Can take some times, but once done, the campaign is done.
I'll go back to it tough, one day. There' s a sense of chill in going to a ship, think of "how ll i start cutting this one"
Me, i like to purge all atmosphere. Then go outside and remove all systems just bolted to the hull, like radar , expensive stuff like that.
Then i remove all element that keep the hull a one piece, from inside, and piece by piece, peel it like an orange, to leave only the crew parts and living habitats and systems like reactor and such.
So much pride to do a ship good in every part, and  finish a hull, 99% of the ship delivered in all good places.
Anyway, was a good ride, see ya space cowboy

Why slower?

You might have noticed, on last pieces i've done, i'm taking my time. So,question might occur, why so slow?
I could give a lot of answer, but, tbh, the more accurate now is.. i wanna take my time. Last year i've been on a the clock each time. I'm still late, but now, my point of view is, as long as i don't get more late, it's ok. Just, sometimes, i wanna take my time. It's not because it is paid much, or because i like the subject, even if it play a role.
But, now i wanted to take my time, work longer on anatoym, be sure it look good, make the rough, go away, come back to see if it please me again, then if not make some changes.
I think in the future i'll work again with that, maybe while doing smaller sketches or work on the side, taking the time to lay a thing and come back to it later, to see if it's still hold and need change or are matured enough to get to next step.
Anyway, a pleasant way to work times to times ^^
Goind slow and steady is a pleasure by itself

That's about it, thanks for reading this far if you still are

and c ya soon!


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