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rough placement for next comics comm more to come soon

Update 1 : Finished mostly the rough, tomorow gonna start the sketch, and if fast enough, the colour too!

Update 2 : Line is done, i kept redoing over and over the anatomy, it's far from perfect still, but, heh, gotta move on and finish it ^^

Update 3 : wanted to keep the colour simple, so as usual i spent too much time on shade

Actually finished shading most of it, but at this point i wanna add the details, and the light. But, start to get quite sleepy atm X)
So i'll pack it for today, here is the flat colour wip i did this morning.
Tomorow, should be done on the morning session, then, on afternoon i'll work on something differen and start the Elite rewards i think.

Update 4, just to show the shade advancement



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