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Here we are here we go!


Started the Elite sketchs of July already, so, finishing them this week for sure, and i would like to start right away the August ones .
I took the habbit of finishing the monthly sketch when the next one vote is done, i think i'll keep this ritual. So, doing the 45 in early december. =)
This week end i'll be out of town, going to see my family for a birthday party. Going only 3 days top, so expect me back on the Tuesday 28. Going Saturday or wednesday night, not sure yet. I'll be hard to contact on this period so, don't expect me to answer you if you message me ^^
That said, let's keep the good work, today lot of ass to draw!

Persona 5, finished.

I finaly, finished Persona 5 Royal. Manage to get the good ending. Funny enough almost did a full completion in one go, only steam success to do are visit a place or two i totaly ignored in the game, and go to a maid cofee 20 times XD
So i might just log an old save and try to do those one day, just to platine the game ^^
Out of that, finaly happy to have completed the story. Been a long run to finaly have it all. I won't retell the story once again, to resume for newcomers, been burgled once, and my ps4 was taken , it cut me out of the game close to the end. So was a long run to finaly end the game for good!
My tough on the ending, tbh it's quite good and fun, last fight ain't the hardest in the game, but tbh i almost got everyone at lvl99, so, yeah, having 10 lvl more than the final boss, help X)
Don't want to spoil the game much, so, to resume story, you play a young boy, 16/17 years old. One night you helped a woman who was visibly victim of aggression in the street. Doing so you injure lightly the attacker... and the guy is a powerfull person. So you end with a criminal reccord, your family throw you out and you end in the care of a family Friend, owner of a cofee, that will allow you to live in his attic for the coming probation year. There you'll discover a way to invoc your persona, your inner power/strengh, and with help of friends with similar powers, you'll discover a way to purge corrupt peoples, by "stealing their heart", forcing them to repent of all their crimes.
Game follow you for almost a full year and over several adventures with your friends.
The Royal part, is an extension, with new character and a new dungeon, and almost 2 month in game. It give some closure to the story arc. And i like that your act got consequences too.
Was a wonderfull experience in the general, the type of game that give a true feeling completion once done. I started the Persona Tactica after this, good game so far! I'll talk more of it once i'm further in the game!

dungeon 4 demolished

Actually my startegy game of the moment was Dungeon 4, but taking a break out, the game clearly got some issue on the last missions, and get me quite frustrated. I hope the dev would kinda look at that cause, damn, really pissed me off how it was handled.
To resume, they throw you wave on wave on wave on ennemy, no time to prepare much, and sudenly, 3 portal appear on your dungeon, and 2 ennemy dwarves kindoms appear too, and 2 invasion and everyone is slaughtering your dungeon, but it's ok if you loose it's you playing badly... Yeah... Sucked balls in a construction game to see the dev throw you 120 enemy in your base and then throwing jokes via the narrator about why you suck. That's a bit what was frustrating. The game  is throwing stuff you can't prepare for. So they expect you to loose and start over. So to win you got to redo the mission  twice, one hour of your life wasted, but it's ok, was just for you to learn the patern of when the game try to fuck you up. :/
Not fun at all. I mean, part of the game is here to make jokes about strategy game, but, if you say "look the dev have 0 idea and just throw waves of ennemies at you" and you still do it.. it's not you being clever and mocking, it's you doing the exact shit you criticize on others.
So yeah, like still the game, but damn.. it clearly need some mechanic tweak there and there.
So would i recomand it... depend. If you're fan of the serie, it's a clear change and upgrade. Different from the third, on third you would find a good way to play and , bim, doing the same shit forever, can't do that here. Got to adapt, not bad, make choice, but on the same time, it's so costing to build anything that it often feel less about seeking a good strat, and more pick the one that is the least expensive to play this time :/ . I mean, somehow, i felt i had more ressources and choices playing frostpunk X)
Overall, i keep coming back, so, tell something i guess.

Ok gonna be all!

Thanks for reading this far and c ya soon!



ASS also nice to see that you were able to enjoy some games. I played a bit of Persona 5 but never beat it, I might try to one day