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Well better late and never i guess ^^


Well i advanced on the July HQ reward. Plan to finish them under the next days then work on the Elite, once done ll do the CYOA first pic
Then, we ll see.
I'll be out 3 days around the 25, got to go meet the family for a birthday. Our of that i'll be working the rest of the month full time ^^
Don't worry i'll take a day off there and there ^^

sleep issues:

Last year something bad happened, and it's the first anniversary. So it kinda crippled my ability to sleep well recently ^^
It's ok, got to cope and live with it. Still not the best feeling.
Don't fuck my work so far, but well it's a bit the last news to happen to me lately, so tough i would share it X)

2 weeks off sport

Yeaah not a good thing i did there. I totally missed the last 3 weeks, not going to the gym once. Reason is mostly i keep postponing.
Kinda loosed the will to go for a few days, i think it's a bit connected to the sleep issues. or more so the even that produced them...
Truth is that i got a bit of spleen recently.
It's ok, i go out, see friends, i don't stay alone, moody and wet eyes in the dark X)
Still, i learned to give me time in recent months. So, if i need a bit of time before i go back building myself a strong man body, guess i'll let me .
Just not too long
Don't want to loose EVERYTHING XD

That's about it, thanks for reading this far and c ya soon!

on time this time i hpe ^^


James P

Stay strong and healthy 👍💪


Hope you can get some rest soon and I hope you're doing alright brain wise. Take things at a pace that works for you and I'm sure everyone will be fine with it