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So What new?

I told everyone i was gonna draw when i went back, and, just a few traditional stuff, no more content


Well.. i decided to take a break before the new year.

First cause.. i needed it. Really. I tough i was OP to draw, but .. been a stressfull end of the year, so, yeah i'm taking some more work to do for early January, i'm a bit late, but i needed a true break, and not just 2.5 days off including 9 h of car+train to go see mom and back X)

And TBH.. make me good. Now i'm fired up to go back to draw ! Can't wait to sketch again ! X)

Sorry for those i told i would draw quickly, but i talked to most of you and you all seemed.. well, busy for the new year eve, but also quite ok with that. If i forgot to come MP you with the delay, sorry D= Been a strange week.

That said, today i think i'll start the New year pic! Dunno if i go back to draw tomorow, ll depend if i drink too much tonight, but i think i would be ok enough! But no promess.

But now, planning for the new year, what to expect?

Being more efficient at making Commissions:
If you ever took commissions, Or get a reward, you noticed that sometimes it works on point, and sometimes i tell you "Monday" and it come "Friday"
I'm really really bad at that, planning stuff. At one point i just stopped giving dates, it work better, but sometimes peoples want a closed date (and you're right with it!) and 1/2 i don't keep it.
So i want to be better about this. And gonna work on it for the next year!

Draw more goblin OC:
Still got 40k and started to do more LoL content, but my goblin oc... it's the first timei built a universe on my own that work so fine, and i want to keep exploring, just for my pleasure. Drawing them time to time, expanding, doing more girls, showing more of the 4 existing ones.
i won't stop the rest, just want to explore more of my girls  =)

Testing new light techniques:
I kinda like how i do my shades now, but i wanna work more on my lights. It's my weakest point atm In my opinion, and i really want to work on it! At least test some stuff, to see how it work.

Being more chill about breaks and mental health:
I.. well like here, the end of the year, it's not stupid to take a week for the end of the year, but.. i feel HORRIBLE to do it, and it's stupid, i know it. Just learn that it's ok to take a break time to time, that i need it to keep me stable on the mental part!

Open for comm more often:
Yeah! That mean finishing them more often too! X) So basicly, work on comm, finish them, opening. i think now i'll take shorter queue. Like only 6 or 8 slots. I'll also announce them on patreon one week ahead ! So if you're one patreon, rejoice, you should have a chance to pick it earlier! =)

That's about it.. Thanks you all for this year. I hope to see some of you around next one!
If i didn't totally fail XD
And this time without a deadly virus around :/

Thanks you all, And a Happy new year a bit early!


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