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OMG i forgot!
So here we go


To be honest, didn't worked that much since i'm back.. i know, it's stupid, i just wanted some more day of break.. but i also got Too much late! So i can't take too much time.
So this week i started already to work on the next comics about Ada wong, still on the sketch phase.
I'll prioritize once done the Patreon rewards, then  do the second page.
I'll try to find a way to keep same colours  and shadows, but simplify my light game, somethign easyer and quicker to render!
So this week, one comics page and patreon reward. Don't be surprise we ll certainly finish in early January!
I'll maybe also take the 1st as break, as.. well... my hair would certainly hurt.. or my tummy, or both!

Nice Christmas:

I spent a nice christmas, but WAY shorter than planned, as my train was canceled, so.. it's maybe why i kinda wanted to take two more days. Each morning was fired up to work, but... In the end couldn't concentrate at all :/
This afternoon, understood the message, took  several hours of funs with friends! Now feeling better already ^^!
So i'll start to get back for a more normal scheldule and work rythm for the coming days!

This year art goal:

Last year i had decided to follow those goals:

So What about it?

I didn't acheived the animation yet. But i really want to produce one, just, i don't have time and for now it's on "hiatus" the time i finish the more urgent stuff!
The comics about my oc: I started a true comics, but also i did several small things with my Goblin girls, and for me, count as much  as one X). I really wanna continue those one in the futur!
Keep working my colour technique : I think i did, i'm not 100% cool on all, but it's start to look like something i like! Also, i kinda achieved good with my quick colours, so for me, it clearly count as a win for the "more full colours" too!
More dynamic pose: yes, i did that, but i think i must continue, make peoples in movement, simulate speed, or just motion, might be fun to try stuff!
Goblins: Oh yes! And it won't stop!

I'll think about the one coming for 2022 in the coming days!

That's about it! Thanks for reading this far

sorry for the wait D=

And c ya soon!


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