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Yoh folks it's another weekly talk!


Been a quite not busy week, working on 2 big things, the Forest ambush goblin pic, and the Claire comics p3, that i might continue today! Then i'll work for another Ecchii small commission and we ll pass on next week!
Next week i ll focus on a commission about girls in Tactic combat bikini! And the rest of the week ll be about the next CYOA pages! aand i say with an S, cause i want to make some pages between each choices! What would it mean? That the next choice ll be more sparse, and that i'll regret this decision like 10 minute after first rough. That the quality ll be more sketchy than my other comics, to gain time! But that you'll be able to see moar of the consequences of your choices!


I seems to  go more and more toward the comics thing. Wich is great, it's one of my favorite stuff, and always been a pleasure to draw.
I know that i'll become more potent and faster at it with time, and that for a pro drawer i'm still quite young, i mean, most of my refs as "good" drawers are all in their fourties or fifties. i just hope i'll keep the run till i meet such quality content.


To become a drawer, you must leash yourself and harness discipline. It's a truth i had to learn those last month. i mean, i work, alone, in my bedroom computer. on wich is instaled all my games. i got internet, and NO ONE to come over my schoulder asking why facebook is open instead of my workstation. It's becoming more easy over time, telling yourself "i work from this hour to this hour"
Pals like StuddioPirate help a lot too, cause they work at the same time as you, and when they come poke you with a "Hey come draw and chat with meh!" it's hard to say no.
Buuut lately i encounter a flaw.. my brother! XD
I love to play with him, and he changed his work scheldule, and now his only  free time is on the afternoon. And it's hard when your best buddy, that is also family, come and ask you to quit your draw and come to play. Explain why i kinda reduced my work time this week.
NO PANIC, to counter that i just decided to shut down discord and phone on my work time afternoon. So i should work with moar discipline now... i hope! D=

Thanks for your support guys, over and over, it's really BIG!

Also thanks if you took time to read till there, i'm quite sure no one does, but it help a bit to say the things out loud... or writte them on internet X)

Anyway thanks again!



I read these every time, they give a good look into the mindset of an artist