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YES it's quite sfw! Barelly echii!

But believe me, the following ain't! In fact the follow up is so frightening that i might not be able to host it here!

So as usual, i'll drop box it and send a link ONCE IT S DONE!

I'll do it next week! Now i resume to work to claire's comics!

 So what ll happen between this pic and the next? Let me tell you a Tabletop rpg story:

It happened to me on a game once, all lvl 3 chars on pathfinder, we get ambush by as much goblin  as players, so we were like "ok, 1 goblin per dude, kinda ez! I was a rogue spe duelist, so was totally not in dange..

turn 1 : nat 1 , confirmed, i loose my weapon... it's ok got my dagger. The goblin attack, crit, confirmed, i'm mid life
turn 2 : 2 on the dice, i miss, i need to do 3 to hit him - he stab me, he need to do 17 or higher to hit, he do a 19
Turn 3 :, another 1 on the dice, not confirmed, i keep my dagger, he hit me again, i'm at 1 hp
last turn, i hit.. and don't kill him, he stab me, below zero, down

their sort of druid, use a vine spell, everyone else byut me failled their save, then failled EVERY save
we loose 1 companion, and the rest were taken alive to serve as "next meat"
But it's ok, the campaign shifted a bit, and the GM made a cool sort of "try to escape the prisoner camp" scenario, where we ended as Rambo, putting traps out of wood and  vines and taking them down one by one

As usual all wips in attached piece!




Cool story, bro!