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Martous Alsahalia, is born Martouf ibn Aziz Al Sahalia. In the sultana of the three familly as the westerner call this country. It's a land of desert and magic, ruled by 3 different species. One of men, one of lizard, and one of elves. The lord of those lands are choosen in the most powerfull familly  of one of those three species. The mages read the stars, and debate wich of the three possible wanabe ruler would have the best fate. 

This make a land were the mages are a powerfull forces. Able to change the fate itself. And it is said that more than once, the throne was bought, instead of being given by the stars.

This, and the coollege of Assassin, that made the reknown of those lands, give a land where the powerfull familly, fight for being the better of it race, sometimes cross breeding with others powerfull famillies, in alliances and scheme.

 Third son of a rich familly, he was never destined to rule, so he took the advantage of the famous wealth of his familly, and set sails to the kingdom of the cross, to spend time at the famous university of the light, and learn the way of the westerner.

His purpose was to make himself a suitable envoye, and maybe be recruted as one of the ruler of his land as ambassador to the Cross crown itself. Trained in the way of the sword by the most famous of the western masters, he became a powerfull and efficient fencer. Using his superior strengh, given by his race capacities, he won more than a couple duel. And that was good, cause before everything else, Martouf is a man that love a beautifull woman in his bed... and it's not really a problem if the girl is already married.

But one day, it was the duel he should have refused. At a party he met a girl, a beautifull blond, charmed by his maneer, and thrilled by his exotic nature.. and maybe by the fact lizardmen own two cocks. After a few drink, they were fucking behind an altar in the garden, when a young boy, furious, interupted. The girl was his cousin, and he defied Martouf in duel for this ! The lizard took his own rapiere, and after a few exchange, nearly cut the sword arm of the young boy.

He discovered only at the morning that the boy was one member of the royal familly.... oh not a big one, like a distant cousin, but still, a boy of the name!

That was enough for the autorithy, that send the guards to get him. In his panic, he slayed a couple of them before escaping. He find a place to hide in the Hold of a ship, against all the wealth he had managed to salve before the guard had reached him.  Sadly for him the captain chained him once the Cross island had vanished. planning to get him back after a time, and ask for a reward. By chance for Martouf, the boat was attacked by pirates in the midway of the ship journey back to the Cross island. Discovered in the Hold, he was freed, and offered an opportunity to join the crew.

He accepted, and after soome month of learning the way of the sailors, he became a good and reliable crew member. The year passed, he changed several time of crew and ship, making himself a name. After 7 years he was hired by a beautifull dark elf, and fell in love, with her ship, the Lady Sanguine.

He became the Boatswain of the board, and since that day, 2 years ago, he stayed on board. he became one of the closest friend of the captain.. and some say she even allow him to fuck her when she feel horny enough.. what is the truth? So far no one had ever see a proof of that. What is true is that he is a good guy, always ready to help a crew member, but also a good boatswain. he dislike the lack of discipline, and don't hesistate to kick asses when he think the time is at such activities.




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