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Dark elf ain't a society. As mentionned, they born, when an elf copulate with a Troll, giant, or any monster anthropomorphic. So Dark Elves happened to exist, and... depending of the time and the invasion on the land, it can be a lot or a few number of them in the community. Still they re look with a bit of pity for the other elves, because they re all, totally sterile.

Well for some it's a good news, but, not wanting a baby is ok, not being able to even have one if you wish is a quite different problem.

Anyway, Imperia, from her real name Catherina Chesfield, was born in a small nobility clan. She born after a troll sack on the land of her familly, and was only one among the bunch of dark elves that were made at this time. Quite young, she show talent to subjugate the other with her presence only, and to lead other kids. She was trained by a swordmaster, but show her real talent in the handle of bow and pistol.

But once adult, she discovered boredom. Exept this troll invasion, nothing had happened in her native land for centuries, the place was calm, local government was stable, and  most of the land had been explored over and over already.

So she quit everything to go to Blogo, biggest city of the land, where all species were accepted, as long as they accepted to pay the local taxes! There she spend days in tavern, making friend and romance, and discovering she was as skillfull as giving pleasure as she was to dominate the will of others. 

Everything changed one day, when after a duel, she discovered a treasure map on the dead corpse of her opponent. After some research, she discovered it was the map of a sinked ship, full of  silver, and that the fellow she had killed was the former pilote of the ship, that had testified he didn't knew where to find the wreck. He had lied, in hope, certainly, to be able to get back and loot the shipment one day.

Feeling the rush of adventure, she joined naval school and learned the art of commanding a ship and set the course. She spent 4 long year there, and when she could, used this diploma to be hired as pilot in a ship going to the new world. There, she discovered a growing mutiny on the board, lead by an old officer, that was now the ship doctor: Karl.

She joined the Imp and took control of the mutiny, using her charm, charisma, and dominance to impose herself as leader.

Once they had control of the ship, she killed the former captain in an horrible way. Tying his leg to a canon ball linked to a chain, she fired the canonball, and stayed there as his leg was taken away by the projectile strengh, covered in the former captain blood. This is why she is called the Bloody. She took also the fake name Imperia, and to content the crew, she set course to the sinked silver ship. There she gathered the cargo from the wreck, and it was the first treasure the crew ever discovered, but far from the last.

She loosed her arm and right eye 2 years later, fighting with pirate hunters. Since then she discovered a powerfull magic gun, whom can fire without being recharged, only after 10 second of wait. A powerfull item for the now one armed captain.

She is still captain of the Goat people, and lead there boat "the Lady Sanguine" on the 7 seas.

She is kind to her crew, giving money as much as she can, she was already rich, she do this only for the thrill of adventure. But she can be a deadly captain too. She don't  accept betrayal, and kill in duel any crew member that would try to fuck with her (at least in the bad way) .



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