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title: La Déesse

set: Le coup de patte du chat noir

model: Hérodiade Chatnoir

location: Padova

date: 12 January 2020

camera: Canon AE1

lens: Canon FD 50mm f/1,8 S.C.

film: Ilford HP5 400

© Vincenzo Travino 

I ran to look at her, and filled with astonishment:

"She is not a woman - I said to me -

for ray shines in her more than earthly,

but the envoy of the Sun, candid Goddess."

(from 'The white dress', Ciro di Pers, 1689)


Corsi a mirarla, e di stupor ripieno:

"Donna non è costei – fra me dicea, –

ché raggio splende in lei piú che terreno,

ma la nunzia del Sol, candida Dea."

(da 'La veste bianca', Ciro di Pers, 1689)


La Déesse


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