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Brianda Sandoval

Cat Susanoo, I'm glad you enjoyed the episode Lucky because for me this one along with the episode about ChoCho and Anko are the worst episodes of this series. The concept for both Iwabe and Wasabi's points of view could have worked if they played it straight but I think the episode did them both dirty as characters as we know Iwabe was one of the strongest in the academy when it came to physicality and jutsu he just wasn't very smart but we could have seen how he improved with Denki tutoring him. It was pretty interesting getting that background for Wasabi and her clan in some ways she's similar to Sakura in that none of her clan make it past genin heck her parents even remind me of Sakura's and how she was always embarrassed by them but we do know Wasabi has a lot of conviction like when Tsubaki joined and she didn't take her crap, she also jumped into action when she saw the bandit and took him on but got overwhelmed so the match could have been done better if they didn't go the comedy route.


Bro.. don't disrespect Itachi, how you compare the third mangekyou sharingan power (susano) with that child's play. He's rolling in his grave LMAO

Brianda Sandoval

I wouldn't have minded if Wasabi won though like I said I just wish it was an actual fight. Also you shouldn't underestimate Cho Cho Lucky she's way stronger and more skilled than her dad was at her age. I understand it's hard to take her seriously when her solo episodes are some of the worst written things ever, but when she's in a fight she gives it her all remember she lasted against Shinki way longer while also being able to push him back with enough force to drive his feet into the ground and that forced him to take her seriously meanwhile Choji got one shotted by Dosu.


True! But she's a bit too goofy for my taste sometimes! And i dont see her beating Sarada! But hey, i might be wrong!

Brianda Sandoval

I know this is a hot take but I think it would be bold for this series to have an Akimichi clan member beat an Uchiha because it would be a huge upset and remember there are plenty of ways for weaker opponents to beat stronger ones Shikamaru being the best example. The fact that Sarada and Cho Cho are friends is already something great in my eyes as she's elevating the Uchihas reputation even more because who would have ever thought an Akimichi would be best friends with an Uchiha, in OG Naruto that would never have been possible.


Sarada vs Cho Cho like Ino vs Sakura in the first season, but that one had meaning and rivalry history, this one is just copycat of friend vs friend. Wasabi vs Ivabe imo is the worst Boruto filler episode ever, straight up stupidity and cringe, CatSusano was low key dope idea but out of nowhere

Aziz bhs

One of my favorite fights in shippuden was deidara vs sasuka because of how analytical it was and the houki vs inojin fight had a small taste of that which I loved. We need more fights like that. However, I cringed HARD during wasabi vs iwabe

Captain Kebap

wasabi vs iwabe was so cringe i needed to skip that... couldnt handle this level of cringe

The EPIC ender MAN

225 has good animation ngl lol for sarada vs cho cho

Maks Lesniewski

Naruto didn't win because he "believed in himself", he won because he had Hokage genes.


No, he won because he tried hard. No genes played part in this, where did you even take this from?

Maks Lesniewski

@According to Lucky So if I don't know that I'm the smartest person alive, and I get (as the only candidate that applied) accepted into a high-level university, is it because I "believed" or because I was naturally predisposed?


If he didnt believe, he wouldnt have trained. And if he didnt train, he would've never reached his full potential. Kurama would've turned him into a ragging animal and took over. Belief that he could become hokage saved him in a way.

Maks Lesniewski

@Florick345 I get that from the fact that he was, and remains, the descendant of a hokage, lmao. I could go on about how he also was a jinchuriki and the direct descendant of the Sage of The Six Paths, but my point is, natural predispositions had a pretty big fucking lot to do with him becoming a hokage. This is probably the most broken Aesop presented in this story (for anyone that isn't familiar with the "broken Aesop" trope, it's when the supposed morale of a story doesn't match what's actually shown) - everyone thought Neji was wrong about people being predestined to greatness, until they forgot about it and accidentally proved him right.

Maks Lesniewski

My point still stands, a genius who trains is always gonna be stronger than someone who isn't a genius but trains, which was painfully proven in the Gaara vs Lee fight.