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Here you go guys! As promised! One more coming right after this! Looks like i was right about my theory! It is the 8th tails! Also, yes, i skipped the filler arc, FEEL FREE TO THANK ME LOL Jkjk, love u all! <3





Lol thanks lucky


Do you think, all at their best (rested) Tsunade , jiraiya, or ya boy Orochimaru could 1 vs 1 danzo?


Which episodes from the filler arc did you enjoy the most? Cause when I was watching Naruto I didn't know that some episodes are fillers, so I watched all episodes and during this arc I liked a lot of things, they were funny to me at least especially episode about mushrooms lmao; Also about what I liked about this filler arc, the monologue from Naruto about his feelings towards Sakura in the episode about (now when I think about it it sounds really weird lol, but anyway) I think the robot and village of Kunoichis. When he said (I don't remember completely) that because he loves her it doesn't matter whether she chooses him or not, he will still love her and care about her; sorry for a longpost lol but I'm really interested in your thoughts about these episodes (and the arc itself); great reaction as always


Lucky, I know most want you told skip the filler, but that doesn't mean you can't watch them on your own time. It's your first experience with the show after all.


In later episodes Kabuto himself will explain how Edo Tensei(Reanimation Jutsu) works


Well honestly, Danzo was strong as hell lol They would've had trouble for sure! But i think they could've beaten him! :D


Hmm, i watched the whole filler arc! And it wasn't bad it all! It was mostly goofy! But it was totally watchable and fun! The mushroom one was hilarious LMAO Loved it! As far as the episode you're talking about where Naruto said those things about Sakura, well.. First off, that girl Naruto fought really looked like HInata a bit lol At least to me :D Also, yea, it proves that Naruto really loves Sakura! I'm glad they established that.. Also, i did react to a few episodes, and that one was in those episodes, so you'll see it on YouTube! :D I can post it here as well when i come around to editing it! Also, Naruto talked about destiny again in that episode, and i don't know how i feel about that, since they said in the prophecy that it was all destined xD So that kinda confuses me! But you'll see my thoughts in the reaction! It was a lovely episode tho! &lt;3 Jiraiya saying the same words about Tsunade was just A HUGE HIT IN THE FEELS :( &lt;3


Oh i didn't skip it bro! I watched the whole filler arc, just didn't react to it all! I did however react to a few episodes!! &lt;3

Jordan Rodrigues

I dont care what you react to your best reacter


Many people say that Naruto is not as well written as Sasuke as the main character. Moreover, they say that Naruto is generally poorly written as a character. Over the years, I realized that these people simply cannot understand the depth of Naruto's character. Most of the shinen protagonists (almost all of them, to be honest) do not have their dark side or never show it, which is essentially the same thing. Naruto has a good story and development as a character. And this episode perfectly shows that the dark side in Naruto really exists. He was bullied for many years, no one loved him and did not recognize him as a person (Kakashi, what were you doing at that time?). And of course all this hatred, resentment, anger did not go anywhere, these feelings were buried deep inside Naruto. But this part of him has always existed, has always been in place. He showed himself to be always cheerful and kind, but deep down he hated the villagers as much as they hated him.

Keep It Zen

When you go back to watch the fillers. Record your reaction to 232 and 234. Great episodes. #DopeConceptGang