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Well guys, as i'm sure you've noticed, it says 214 instead of 213, no it's not a mistake! It is episode 114 xD My mods who usually download episodes for me to watch in order for me not to get spoiled, kinda made a mistake and downloaded 114 instead of 113 so i watched it as if it is 113 xD It took me a moment or two to realize ahaha So since i already finished the episode believing it was 114, i'm going to keep going, 115 and on, i watched 113 on my own, and i didn't miss much, it was mostly a re-cap episode, i just missed Naruto escaping from captain Yamato, which is why i'm confused in this reaction when Naruto popped up LOL I apologize for this mistake! I'll do better next time, thank god it was an episode with scenes i mostly already saw! That being said, the next two episodes will be up on Monday! Also, i'm still waiting for everybody to vote for the next anime, so go vote guys! Love u all! <3





Lucky, it's time to wake up. We finished 114 four months ago. But thanks for 214.


Sakura is immensely strong and is even compared to become a better kunoichi than Tsunade in the beginning of Shippuden but as you said, her agility is slow compared to Sasuke's swift ones. Sakura might've had an edge over Sasuke only because his sight was going bad and he wasn't at 100% but her feelings got in the way. She hesitated again and he almost killed her again. Also loved how Kakashi made that mud wall to prevent the shurikens from hitting Sakura and Karin.

Nicholas Kent

The first time Sasuke told Sakura she was annoying, he was sincere. But the second time, when he left the village, it was more to tease her than anything else (the sentence became THEIR THING, you know what I mean? 😅). He told her that he didn't remember the first time he told her but it wasn't true. He likes to play the cool emo guy but deep down he knows that Sakura represents a possible future for him. That's why he listened to Sakura's confession until the end and thanked her for it. He doesn't hate Naruto and Sakura. He just sees them like an impossible outcome because his hate consumed his love. He said it many times actually. I love Sasuke character ! Too bad that all his actions are meaningless. He didn't kill Orochimaru (Itachi did), he didn't kill Itachi (illness did), he didn't kill Bee (he escaped), he didn't kill Danzo (he killed himself), he didn't kill Karin (Sakura interruped him) and he didn't kill Sakura (because this dumb support character has been saved twice). I love the character but I must admit, he has a lot of intentions which remain intentions lol


I hate Sakura with a passion I hope she dies my God her character is disgusting


I'm so in love with you I can't stand it ewwww what a disgusting character truly repulsive Kishimoto should have killed her off right there

Nicholas Kent

Kishimoto had a story to tell lol Sakura is just a character. Not a good character, you're right. She's just an uninspiring girl with the "romantic love" tag sticking on her big forehead. She's kinda dumb, has no background and is doomed to have exactly the same abilities as Tsunade.. Either she allows Naruto to shine as a hero, or she reminds Sasuke that her ovaries are still available no matter what. And I challenge anyone to tell me otherwise. Even the fact that she was trained by Tsunade was only motivated by a desire to help Naruto bring Sasuke back. BUT there is a mangaka behind this. It's always the same. We always come back to the same point with Kishimoto and his manga. You can hate on Sakura. I can't blame you. There are several reasons for that. But she's just ink on paper. Nothing more.


Man....I hate Sakura's character.... geez...I really don't think I hate another character as much. I actually don't like Sasuke much either but at least he makes a compelling enough character. But Sakura...smh


Man I loved sasuke in this arc he pulled out that susano anytime he wanted. While itachi hid it from us like a secret treat to enjoy. Say whatever you want about him but Sasuke doesnt want help he just wants to be left alone to make his own decisons and revenge. Naruto,kakashi and sakura keep harrasing him but since they are the good guys its ok. Leave my guy ALONE

San Pav

Well, to be fair, at this point and actually really from the moment he left the village, he was a rogue ninja, other villages dispose of their rogues or try to at least. Now that he declared to wanting to attack and destroy the leaf, it's foolish to say " leave him alone", if he doesn't want to leave them alone. Again, talking about this situation.

San Pav

Gosh the flashbacks, the same as the very episode before 😂😂😂


Lucky, could you do a reaction to the video made from the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution game that is about the creation of the Akatsuki? The video is great and I think there is no spoiler for you and I think you will love having more background of the organization... This is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTk_o6ghoiA I would love to see your reaction to it :)


I really loved how they brought up Hiruzen's relationship with Orochimaru in this episode, it was so fitting.