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Here you go guys! Our girl Sakura is on the move again! Can't wait to see where that leads us xD One more coming right up! Hope you enjoy! Love u!





Idk if it’s me, but when I click on the vid it says it couldn’t find the page 😢


After this recap episode I remembered why every time I hear Sakura I don't think about 🌸 but about 💩


Yeah, Danzo is true strong, he was leaked. If Madara was not there, Danzo would have dealt with Sasuke as he left forces on him.

Rhondel Wilson

So I skipped most of this episode because I didn't want to relive watching Sakura's irrational emotions explained. This girl is totally in love over Sasuke for no good reason. He never paid her any interest or attention, never pretended to care. She hadn't seen him in three years and when she finally did he almost killed her. He became a criminal and after all of this you still love him because he's cute and cool? Then if your love wasn't irrational enough, you come up with the irrational idea that its your responsibility to kill him by yourself? To the extend where you would leave your squad asleep in the middle of a foreign place vulnerable on the ground, just so you could go alone and try to do something which any sensible person could tell you is impossible. That's like I'm captain america and I have to go face Thanos and I put Ironman and Dr Strange to sleep. Its just nonsense upon nonsense with Sakura. Forget Naruto, Danzo should have kept her in the village.

Rhondel Wilson

Also, Karin's backstory makes no sense. Firstly, we already say that the first time she saw Sasuke was when he was sent to help her recapture prisoners who escaped. There was no indication that she had seen him before and all indication it was the first time. So you have that, then you have this chunnin exam and i call bullshit. Karin was not in the chuunin exam. Orochimaru's squad was introduced, Karin was not in it. She was not shown in any part of the exam. And the only time off screen time where Sasuke was not around was when he went to fetch some water and he didn't go very far. Plus, he didn't have the thing that he was holding to fetch the water in his hand, so that rules out that time. There was no other time Sasuke could have met her in the chunnin exam. If it was another village's chunnin exam, what is sasuke doing in another village when he was only sent on one mission with team 7 outside the village. Her backstory here, makes absolutely no sense.


I agree. I feel like they tried so hard to make karins love for sasuke to not seem shallow. That whole chunnin exam thing was the definition of a ass pull scene

San Pav

As someone who had a major crush on a guy back at school for no apparent reason, except for looks and a few interactions, I have to say it's not completely crazy, however my guy from school didn't try to kill me or deserted our country and became a high profile criminal, so I can't speak for now 😂😂😂