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Alex Burchill

One of the most insane and anxiety inducing episodes of Television I've ever watched

Sergio Q

"Are you okay?" Is something I won't be saying next Christmas.


Jon Bernthal isn't tall so much as Jeremy Allen White is short.

John Cedar

they're like 5'7 and 5'11 or something, neither are really tall or short, just opposite ends of the average


Michelle Berzatto (Sarah Paulson's character) is the first cousin (actual cousin) of Mikey, Nat, and Carm.


I had a minor meltdown the first time I watched this episode because I wasnt prepared for its content. This sort of thing triggers me really hard. I am autistic and adhd and this is very similar to much of my own family dynamic. Its an incredibly stressful situation especially when you're a high masking person. I have been Carmy AND Natalie so many times. Especially Natalie. The last bit where you can see her start to disassociate is real asf. My mom is a lot like this and its really difficult NOT to temp check constantly (trauma response and environment regulating things) for fear of things blowing up, especially when some of your family is doing everything they can to make things harder/more stressful. This is the first time I have watched this since it was first released and I couldn't watch the next episodes for a few weeks after this. Even now I have the episode on mute with the subtitles going so I'm able to watch it because Its a lot. And when you've lived like this its really a tough watch. Its also so sad to hear that people look at Carmy as the most sensitive soul when Mikey was addicted to drugs and literally killed himself and Nat is on the verge of a nervous breakdown herself. Its not good for ANY of them, but because Carmy has talent that can get him out of there, he's seen as the one to save. Nat and Mikey didn't have a way out the way Carm did. They were stuck there in a sense. I get what yall are saying, but I feel for all three of the sibs. Its easy to dismiss Nat and Mikey because they might not present the way that Carmy does in terms of anxiety and softness. That's why I love that moment between Natalie and Steve so much. He saw it. You both made some great points post episode, especially Arianna. Also, I was under the impression that when Sarah Paulson's character was saying she had a couple of restaurants, she meant spots that she liked to eat at, not spots that she owned. I could be wrong though. Sorry for this long ass comment, its just that his episode is a real doozy. It should have been called Trauma: For an Hour Straight lol


This episode made me realize that my holiday dinners with my extended family isn't THAT bad... Jamie lee curtis killed that role too, she reminds me a lot of an aunt I had who passed away a few years ago. She was a housewife for many years and also struggled with affection towards her children (successful sons) and kinda ended up cutting everyone out until she died from a brain hemorrhage from her "secret" alcoholism. Shit is really sad, you can tell that she is in so much pain but doesn't want to accept help so all you can do is watch them deteriorate.. I wonder if the family characters are based on real family members from the writer's own familiy because they're all so damn specific but seem so real.


Are men shorter in the US because 5'7 (170cm) would be considered somewhat short for a man here in Northern Europe. I'm 183cm (6ft) and I was always like middle of the pack in terms of height in schools and at jobs. But I don't get why Americans are so obsessed with height in dating though, I always see people discuss "height requirements" but never heard anyone caring about it outside of the US.


you're spot on with seeing Carmy as someone who's compelled to fix things. if you look back at ep. 2 when Claire's talking about her friend who broke her arm as the thing that inspired her to be a doctor, he thought her inspiration came from wanting to fix it, while she said it was from wanting to understand it.


This episode + Connor's wedding are up there for most draining episodes of television ive seen in years lol. After both you just want to go hug your cat

John Cedar

Average height for males in the US is 5'9. As someone who is taller than most people I meet, man or woman, I wouldn't call a man generally "short" unless they're less than 5'6, and 5'3 for a woman. At the end of the day, it's a relatively meaningless metric as it's not well defined between two different people, let alone two different cultures.


john mulaney was a triumph in this episode. i liked that they showed that some people can survive in those situations. he doesn't get overwhelmed cause he can sit to the side and just watch the entertainment. everyone else is so personally involved they can't see the humor. his wife is basically another fak (personality wise) so he obviously can thrive in that environment. and then when given the chore of grace he fukken nailed it. one of the best "show up for an episode and crush it" moments i've ever seen. he should consider taking acting seriously


Haven't watched this since it aired and I'm sweaty hitting the play button.

Paul Walker

I'm so happy Nat has Pete!! I don't know what her mental state would be without his kindness and support.


Same! You can see how he puts her at ease. Pete's always right with me !


Yeah, this episode is my current best hour of television pick. I've been in Stevie's shoes, just the fly on the wall watching a family explode at each other but enjoying the nice aspects of these people. Also the scene with Michael in the closet after Carmy gives him a gift hit me too hard in my own depresso feels.

Richard Z Herrera

I love this episode. Everything about it is just amazing. The acting, the sound, the shots, the editing. Me and my dad watched this episode together and "reminisced" about the gold ole family holiday get togethers. I swear I know and am related to just about every version of a family member presented in this episode. It can get better. Also, best reaction.


One of the most gut-wrenching emotional moments in the episode and the response is, incorrectly even "Carmen's initials are CAB and he's from New York". If that doesn't sum up this commentary, I don't know what does.


tension level 10...... this is not a drill....panic.....