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Alvin Everett

Marcus chloroformed Vi. Arcane’s theme, “Enemy” is great (imo) and captures the fighting spirit that the undercity has very well. Imagine Dragons is well-known in the League of Legends community for their anthem “Warriors,” being a hit with fans. They were also a key part of the growth of Riot Games’ musical acts.

Teyon Alexander

Great reaction! So the show is not like the game in the way the Last of Us was like its game. Same characters, yes, but they only ventured into actual storytelling games after the show. Before that, League of Legends was basically just a moba - you pick a hero they come with an army you attack the other team or their base, etc. no real story beats. Each character has lore/backstory but little of it appears in-game. That’s started to change with the recent release of various small story based games taking place in various areas and time periods of LoL . Anyway, I am excited for your remaining reactions to this series. It was a surprise for me how it all came together so well and it’s fun watching you experience the same. Happy holidays!


Ummm I don't play LoL but I'm pretty sure they were writing lore back in 2011/2012 and have always been adding and expanding on it, with Arcane being canon even.

Teyon Alexander

Yes. As I stated. The Game doesn’t include much of it. They do have brief character backstories in the game but the bulk of the lore is on a website I believe and not to be found in game. It’s just the nature of MOBAs. I just didn’t want people thinking the show is reflective of the game the way the last of us is. The story based games didn’t start showing up until recently I believe.


Eh I am not a big fan of it personally, but it is totally fine as an intro, but nothing spectacular. It is very, very imagine dragons, which for some is kinda goofy.


The voice actress for Powder does such an amazing job; her freakout before she makes the monkeybomb, and her sobbing/begging/apologizing at the end of the episode, just destroy me emotionally every time.

Rabbid Dawg

Lore has loosely existed in the games and has since been rewritten and retconned several times, with different iterations existing across the IPs - only recently has it been mentioned that Arcane would be canon to the base League lore, upsetting lots of folks already content with the fluid nature of the lore across gaming titles. Also hi there! I've followed lots of folks watching Arcane content and I've been following/playing League since its release, but I've been super into the lore in the last couple of years since they decided to notch up the narrative for the in-game lore. Very much like the op says, it's only recently (last 5-7 years) that they've tried ironing out consistent lore, some things have kept from their original version from the brief lore that existed in 2009-2013, but writing for Arcane started maybe around 2015 when production began. The Universe page for League is a great resource for a good chunk of the champions and regions, but the Map isn't fully complete yet - the Wikia is the best place to go if you'd like to go down a rabbit hole of League info though!

Rabbid Dawg

Thank you for taking on this series! I know some folks might be overwhelmed with how they hit the ground running in terms of world building for the first two eps, but it's all very worth it for the culmination of events in the third episode and beyond. For me, I didn't even realize the stakes were that high or I had an investment in some characters at this point until I felt the shock in this episode. It was as if I was hit by a dump truck of emotions. This world and first season is so rich in character and setting - imo the VA's also do a great job in their portrayals too. Music is subjective and some folks love what this series brings, but I also would understand the Imagine Dragons hate - anyone is allowed to like/dislike artists. All in all, Arcane has amazing depth to its story and characters that you'll find if you start peeling back the layers! The animation is frigging beautiful to boot.


They made Warriors for the League of Legends Worlds in 2014 and it's fondly remembered ever since. I like them.


they make the blandest most generic, radio friendly "rock music" of all time. it's music that your dad thinks is "hip". no teeth. way over produced. it takes everything i hate about nickelback and ramps it to eleven. its the kinda music you'd hear at a giant church with the words vaguely about god. it's the kind of music you'd hear in a shirts on makeout scene in Riverdale. it's the kind of music jeremy renner would want to emulate for his own band. it's the kind of music a dude with only top 40 on his ipod in 2007 would listen to now. I'd rather listen to cats fight. I'd rather listen to grass grow. i'd rather listen to dying breath of a loved on on repeat.


The League has a stockholm syndrome relationship with the band. In 2014, it was like the first mainstream big popular band that really gave attention to League of Legends and as such they have immense nostalgic capital with the community. The band likes League too, which also plays a part. I too thought it was amazing in 2014, when Radioactive was topping the charts and I was 14, but everything you say here is pretty damn spot on regarding Imagine Dragons. Thunder is one of the worst charting songs of the 2010's, and believer follows closely after, which is an ACHIEVEMENT.

Cornelius Ukena

God, every fucking time. I never get over what an absolute banger of a first act this show has. So good.


imagine dragons 4 lyf


psspsspssp when r yall dropping the next episode psspssp