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Actually digging the imagine dragons shade being thrown here, keep it coming


Yeah, how dare they make unproblematic bangers. The nerve.

Theo Brown

I love Arcane, everything about the show is great, except for one thing.... Imagine Dragons sucks absolute balls. Their song writing is of a 5yr old banging out basic chords on a piano. They suck so bad!


I don't get it. Where are Imagine Drabgons making garbage? 🤔 Objectively it is well produced pop music, and if it's not your jam, don't listen to it, but why spilling this hate? 🙁 I never got why it seems so popular in some parts of social media to hate Imagine Dragons. And no, I'm not an Imagine Dragons fan, I just don't like haters. I'd rather you would talk about things (or music) you like. 🤔🙂


You must have very talented 5yr olds then and many million people who love to hear 5yr olds play basic chords...🤔🙂

Theo Brown

4 chord progressions are basic things that 5 year olds learn on a piano if they are taking consistent piano lessons. And people love to hear basic uncomplicated music because the masses are dumbed down from the weak ass pop that the industry pushes. Not saying that the individuals in Imagine Dragons aren't talented, they are, but collectively, along with their industry overlords....their music is basic and terrible.


Their whole set of albums (except maybe the first) is just soulless car-commercial and movie trailer music, sort of like Maroon 5. It's just empty sugar fueled by a marketing engine. There's plenty of pop music that doesn't sound like it was developed by a council of 5 executives wondering how they're going to find "the best sound for the new Lexus ad campaign".

Theo Brown

Imagine Dragons music is basic and absolute trash, sorry. But I agree with you, I'll get off of my soapbox lol