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Daniel Quezada

Maybe it’s just in retrospect, watching this series a second time via these reactions, but I find Fuches to be a much more interesting character and a bit more compelling. You know we start this show with Barry on a job as I recall, showing the kind of guy he is from the jump. A killer. But he’s the titular character, the protagonist, freaking bill hader, and so we give him grace in a way. Yea he’s a killer buuut…(insert compelling aspect here). Similar to Bojack in Bojack Horsemen, our protagonist is a horrible person, but they live an interesting and sometimes morbidly funny life that is masterfully presented to us in a groundbreaking way. With weaker direction, writing, or acting, these shows would crumble under the weight of their ambition and we’d absolutely despise these characters. But we don’t. Yet, (without spoilers) Barry especially slowly and slowly moves away from being ‘Yea he kills but he has redeeming qualities’ to ‘Yea he has redeeming qualities but the dudes a fucking mass killer’. In this shifting, I view Fuches less as an antagonist to Barry, but more as someone very similar to Barry. Someone who has the potential for good and decency, yet through weakness of will resolves to do evil. All this is to say that on a second rewatching, with the stakes and suspense taken away, I find myself just laughing at Fuches antics and enjoying his presence in the show so so much.

potato salad

stephen root is fantastic. have you guys seen office space?