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Lol this episode is definitely a wild one - kind of just a big flex with their crazy filmmaking techniques but yeah it can be a bit jarring.

Daniel Quezada

You know, my first watch through of this season was very jarring for me. So I get where y’all are at. Rewatching with y’all tho I absolutely love this episode and this season. I like the trippy mix of action and comedy and drama and surrealism and meetings and all of it. I love the confusion.

Tyler Scott

This episode is kind of similar to 2x5 where it's like more absurd and over the top haha can't blame you for feeling how you did. This season prob has the best finale tho imo so don't worry haha.


I always love episodes like these. Atlanta is another show that would throw in some curveballs like this as well. Nice cinematography, original action scenes, and plenty of dark humour. Everything Fuches does is just interesting to watch and Sally's unfolding situation is incredible. I've alway's liked Stephen Root's acting.


i also struggled with this season the first time but its growing on me seeing it again through them


this season, especially, has a surrealist tone. to me, good art is when it makes my brain feel funny

Nick Kessler

This episode is amazing and it is laser focused.