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"Julie do the thing!" - Iknik Blackstone Varrick, the best character in Avatar.

Alex Burchill

I'm so excited to see your reactions to this season. Its my favourite of all the Korra seasons and has some great lore building with the history of the Avatar


I think most viewers agree that Season 2 is the weakest TLOK season from an...everything standpoint, so it's interesting to see that there's actually a fan of the series who likes it more than the other seasons. I have my suspicions, but out of curiosity: would you be able to explain what you liked about this season more than the others without spoiling?

Alex Burchill

Huh! I had no idea it was considered the weakest. I mainly like the villain arc and spiritual side of the story as well as the avatar lore developments


Episodes 7 and 8 are huge for the lore, so I get it. I think the major complaints about this season have always been about the character writing. Thanks for the response!


Brace for the weakest TLOK season, it has some great strong points (no spoilers ofc) but most of it is not that good. However Season 3 is so good it rivals ATLA in it's quality villains and writing. Can't wait for more Korra! All best for you guys!


So stoked for this, and Varrick is amazing. | X D This episode had a largely underappreciated reveal, where Korra learns her father and the White Lotus were the ones that decided to keep her locked up at the South Pole instead of travelling the world, but they lied and said that Aang wanted them to do it. With Korra being such a fiery and headstrong character, one of the worst things you can do to her is try to lock her down and restrict her. It explains a lot about how she's reacting to the whole situation. Looking forward to the season !!! | : D


I've realy enjoyed your reactions to the Avatar series (both theLast Airbender, and Legend of Korra). I'd really love to see Maple and Ariana react to Studio Ghibli films if they haven't seen those already for some incredible animated storytelling!

Michael Furukawa

I’m glad you picked up Legend of Korra, second book wasn’t my favorite of the series, can’t wait for the books after this one. Some good twists coming.