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Korra is very similar to Star Trek: The Next Generation in that it takes place quite a significant time in the future.


Korra hit her lowest point, she said she isn't the Avatar anymore, and to have a teardrop drop down like that over a cliff, Korra was looking down over the cliff.. It was really the lowest point for her if you catch the drift.. Season is generally agreed to not be the best, but it does lay the foundation for a fantastic season 3+4! Can't wait to re-watch it with you!

Richard Z Herrera

As a huge fan of both series, super happy to hear the love, and super appreciative to hear someone point out a solid reason why Korra gets some undeserved hate. Also, those reactions to Korra airbending...made my week.

Michael Furukawa

Book 3-4 setup is awesome. You’ll be shedding some tears soon. Pabu is one of my favorite animal sidekicks.


You guys have mentioned a few times that you don't understand the hate for this show, and that no one really elaborates on it. I can't speak for people that just absolutely hate this show entirely, because I don't agree with them - some people are just haters. I love this show as a whole, but there is a point towards the middle of the story that a big part of the Avatar fan base REALLY hates. I can't really say more than that without spoiling anything. But everything before and after that point is great stuff For some behind the scenes insight - this show had a very rocky life back when it was in production and airing. Nickelodeon pretty much tried to sabotage this show, I believe because of disagreements over the more mature themes and story points. They stopped really promoting it, the ratings started plummeting, etc. They pulled the show completely from airing on TV, and it ended up on the Nick website exclusively for a while. So it was kind of a pain to watch this show as it was airing. Because of all those issues - there were multiple points that the show was on the chopping block to be cancelled entirely, so the writers had to wrap up a few of the seasons not knowing if the show would come back in the future or not. Which resulted in some writing choices that fans really disagreed with. Despite all of that, this show starts and ends super strongly. I'm sure y'all will really enjoy it