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I personally feel like Azula showed different colours this episode, like when she apologized to Tai Lee, not something a sociopath would do.

Martin Robertson

Zuko and Mai are MEANT to be. LOL.

Ricardo Opie

Azula has a little more confidence in how “strong minded” she is within herself so it would take a little more than a beach trip to get her to show more of the layers she hides but no spoilers so patience is important :)

Lemuel Daher

First reactor I’ve seen to be bored with Azula lmaoo


Because it is never explained in the show: The assassin is using an extremely rare, HIGHLY-specialized form of firebending called "combustion bending". He is able to project a highly-concentrated explosive force to a pinpoint location, where it goes BOOM. The sound it makes is one of my absolute favorite sound designs in the entire show.


the "obviously troubled group" is the best description of azula's gang i've ever heard lol

Stella Keil

I think besides the insight into the psyche of Zuko's Gang and the proper introduction to sparky sparky boom man, this episode stands out to me not really because of these obvious things, but especially because it is just sooo hilarious. I laugh my ass off, every time I see it. Some of these lines are iconic and, man, the delivery sometimes