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Trevor Go

Excellent choice! I can't wait to watch it.


Tears of the Sun starring Bruce Willis

Mike Fossile

Taking chance is a great one for Memorial Day and there’s no violence plus Kevin bacon is in it


So many times in this movie.. if you’re asking “is that (insert famous actor)?” The answer is yes, very young but yes

TinCan Cosmanaut

Ya, I started to watch along on Netflix but then had to stop. I don’t wanna rent/buy the movie.


Amazing reaction! easily one of my favorite war movies, and one of my favorite quotes, "its the men next to you, thats all it is". we all join the military for a variety of reasons, but when things get shitty its the people around you that keep you going. there is truly nothing like it. there are people i have almost downright hated in the army, that i would risk my life for in a heartbeat without a second thought, and i know they would do the same.

Chris Bruneau

note to young actors; if you want to get "discovered"--get cast in a Ridley Scott film! this amazing group included a future: Hulk, Venom, Jaime Lannister, Legolas, Obi-wan Kenobi, Ari Gold (entourage), Reed Richards (Fantastic 4), and Ty Burel from Modern Family! I probably forget a few :)

Martin Nicholls

Those who know think this is one of if not the best war movie ever made. There's a lot of trivia associated, but one of the nice touches is the Army provided helicopters and pilots which is why the helicopter scenes look so good - they're entirely practical using real military pilots, many of whom from the same unit as the pilots involved and there were even some of the actual pilots who were there on the day. Gortoz A Ran is such a beautiful, haunting, memorable piece of music, it's such a good choice for the last scene of the movie into the credits. So this whole event is the reason a lot of people in military circles think that Clinton was gun-shy when he had the chance to take out Bin Laden before 9/11 happened, it's a very butterfly effect event in US military history. If you don't learn lessons from both the things that go well as bad you're doomed to keep repeating the same mistakes and many credit these events to why the attrition rate was so low in Afghanistan and Iraq - yes, they were the most efficiently fought wars in history, especially so considering how committed the enemy was - and those lessons are probably being shared with and applied in Ukraine right now; against an enemy that hasn't learned a military lesson good or bad in 200 years. BHD has a great cast, to a man almost it's A-listers or very close but what I find slightly amusing is just how many British actors there are playing US soldiers. Anyway, good reaction to a very weighty movie in all sorts of ways - it'd be very powerful even if it was fiction, the fact it isn't, yeah.. It's one of those movies you shouldn't watch if you have kids going to war and should watch before you join up.


Unwatchable, you never said where you were watching this is I started up neflix to watch along and I had to stop and wait 4 times. Let parteon members know what version you are watching and what site so I wouldnt have to speed extra money to watch the full reaction.