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WARNING, the girls did not like the show on the first episode but i've spoken to them and beseeched them to give it another go. I've also talked them through their issues point by point and so we'll see if we get a retry on the next episode.

If they're willing to let it, I believe the show can win them over. 

~ Chad


Andrew T

I always look forward to Firefly reactions. I was in the middle of another creator watching episode 8: Out of Gas, which is a brilliantly written episode (among several) when the notification for this reaction came. I hope they give it a chance.


I've had a few seperate partners try to get me into Firefly. It never fully grabbed hold of my soul but I completed it. Ultimately I would say that I enjoyed it but probably not as much as the peeps that are hard into it. I absolutely loved what was achieved with such a seemingly (perhaps blatantly) low budget for a sci-fi show.

Richard Flores

*wink* I know who you're talking about, I was watching that reaction too. The giggles! And the tears!

Richard Flores

Hey Chad, I don't know if this will help. For the last 10 years, when I talk movies or shows with people and we agree on alot, they ask me what to watch next. Top three, no order, are Firefly, ATLA, and Buffy. Arianna and Maple are already in love with ATLA. ATLA did not start well. But it became something. Maybe tell them that Firefly might become something too.

Jim Frykman

Lol, Chad doing God's work to get them to the good stuff.

Jim Frykman

Honestly I can't disagree with their first impressions at all. It took me a good 3-4 attempts to get into this show and that was well over a decade ago. A lot of it ages really poorly, but it just has so much heart.

Woz Lee

Man I wish I didn't like Firefly, it would have hurt way less. Like all Joss Whedon stuff though, it's a slow burn, which is what makes its cancellation so criminal. Joss Whedon's greatest strength has always been his ability to evolve and develop characters, which is why every show he does gets progressively better over time. Even Agents of Shield, the first season was CW tier pabulum, that had me debating if I wanted to invest any more time into it, but then by the end of season 7 you don't want it to be over. If Joss Whedon could ever figure out how to start a show with the same energy he finishes it, he'd be unstoppable.

Bubba Fett

I don't know if the train job or buschwacked will sell them but if they can make it through shindig and safe I expect they will be good.


Right. i wish I could skip em ahead to Out of Gas but that episode also hits so hard because of the history you've developed up to that point


I appreciate when reactors don’t like stuff. It lets you know they are being genuine. Also, since they are liking Succession, I highly recommend they check out Bloodline on Netflix. Super underrated. 👍🏻

Trevor Go

Firefly was always a mixed bag for me. A few great actors/characters/storylines make the most of weak dialogue and miscast actors. I think the sci-fi/western genre is very hard to do well. It had its moments, but I don't think it aged well. When you consider the shows, they have been watching and the current golden age of television Firefly is a big step down—loved Buffy and Angel (also not as good now). I was excited about Firefly when it first debuted but I don’t think it was as good as his other work. If you’re looking to stay in the genre Westworld (1-2), Outer Range, and Mandalorian is great.

Bubba Fett

Do they understand the premise, historically speaking, that may help make more sense of things without spoilers for them.

Dee Aitch

I guess the studio executives at FOX were ahead of their times. I've seen other feedback that the first episode was, indeed, too slow for their tastes. To me the show was perfectly paced and I was 100% in on knowing I'd love it when they subverted the Mexican Standoff trope immediately at the end of the episode. If "The Train Job" doesn't suck them in, tho, we have the worst episode of the show third.

Ronald Foster

I am on team Firefly sucked. One of the most overrated shows I have ever seen.


i love firefly but i don't want to watch along with someone for whom it is a chore! it's okay if y'all don't like it, that just gives you more time to try Good Omens or The Good Place or Geeves and Wooster or something else


I'll admit I always kinda hated the weird Changlish they did in the show. I've seen the fake language to slip the TV censorship thing done a lot better elsewhere. That said, it's a weak point in an otherwise excellent series.

Richard Z Herrera

I've always found intended episode 1 of Firefly to be an interesting beast. I love the episode, but its not the the same show as the rest of the series. Some of the characters in this episode aren't quite the same as the beloved characters from the rest of the series. The tone is darker. Mal is not a good person in episode 1. Jayne is definitely not a good person in episode 1. I love the show Firefly as it is, but part of me always wondered what show we might have gotten if the we had gotten the series episode 1 was meant to be part of. Also, Jayne's line isn't a joke. I've always seen it as an indicator that Jayne isn't just a jerk, but someone to be afraid of. They kind of play with this a bit in the series we got, but I think it would have gone way darker in the series we didn't get. Jayne in series....lovable bafoon tough guy....Jayne in episode 1...violent killer who might betray and kill Mal if is given the right incentive.