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oh boy this is gonna be a good one

Michael Bauer

Man, I love this movie. It takes a bit to get to its point, but it's all the more impactful for it. In this global society where every problem, every fear and every threat are practically omnipresent for so many people - where hope, affirmation of life and "being present" can be an enormous challenge - the temptation to succumb to fatalistic nihilism is very real. This movie is great at making you empathize with this in Joy's story - the anxiety, the pain - but also the hope to find an Evelyn who can also see that and still offer a reason to hope, a reason to stay... then the nihilism... both in her and - for a while - also in Eveyln. The movie practically goes from Nietzsche to Sartre - then in the very prominent placement of the absurd both visually and emotionally also to Camus, and in the deconstruction of meaning there's also a bit of Derrida. But then it comes "full circle" back to Nietzsche - who thought that nihilism is like a ladder, something you use to get above it, beyond it. To Nietzsche, after becoming aware of the cosmological infinities and "infinite recurrence of the similar", the lack of objective meaning in the world and the ensuing lack of individual and communal trust that the world works according to some just and wise "grand plan" (this is a large part of the meaning of his "god is dead"), after realizing this and going through the resulting nihilism comes the affirmation of life in all its infinity, absurdity and meaninglessnes - and the construction of a new, personal meaning which is no longer fragile, because it is built in the knowledge and affirmation of the all things that brought down our old sources of meaning and identity. And this is exactly the story told by the film. A story which ends with them finding/creating this meaning and affirmation - in the connections we make, in kindness, gentleness, and understanding. It's a beautiful, powerful message told in a very moving way through a crazy, absurd and also beautiful, impeccably made movie. It deserves all the laurels it's getting.


I need to sit down with you for a discussion haha. Ive recently read Camus and am working through beyond good and evil and I have to admit a lot of it is probably going over my head.