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Camden Marr

lets freaking go


And here we go. What a ride


Show Recommendation: Sons of Anarchy-Motorcycle Gang Fantastic Show

Camden Marr

i just find it insane that the whole show happened within 2 years

Camden Marr

And the song playing at the end is just perfect.

TinCan Cosmanaut

5 min outro for a series ending feels a bit short. I heard about a 2.5 hour discussion. Can't find it on Patreon. Am i dumb for missing it. Is it still uploading?

Jeffrey Phillips

I won't take credit for this line but one thing I heard someone say is " Walt is a bad guy pretending to be good and Jessie is a good guy pretending to be bad"

Jimmy Greer

God, I love a really good tragedy. And this one was really well done. And I love the ride Walter White takes us on. We really do get to see just how bad we would break. Me? I'm out with Jane. I could rationalize that everything up to that point was self-defense/preservation. But to allow that to go on with Jane...that's a line I wouldn't be able to cross. I really do love the redemption of Walter White. You don't see that too often in these stories. The self-awareness at the end and doing everything he can to make amends. But that's what makes it a tragedy. He could've gotten out long before it went to shit and had a beautiful remainder of his life with his family.

Justin Calhoun

The journey is complete! (Kinda... El Camino, Better Call Saul) So much fun reliving the magic of this show with y'all. One of the absolute greatest shows of all time. Pure craftsmanship and artistry. Think this lands me on rewatch #6 now...


I always think it's a real testament to the show (across the board, writing/directing/acting/makeup/costumes/set design/etc.) that we can hate Walt so much when he tells Jesse about Jane, just to twist the knife... and then also feel bad for him by the next episode when his wedding ring falls off. And most of Granite State is about letting the reality of the post-Ozy situation sink in for the audience, to feel the desperation of a man who's willing to pay someone $10,000 for an hour of playing cards... But to end the episode with us rooting for him to do some MORE Heisenberg shit? ... Crazy. Like someone said elsewhere, the finale sometimes catches some flak for being a little predictable, but the last thing you want is for a great series like this to end with missed opportunities where people lament X, Y, or Z not happening. The rest of the show was plenty surprising enough, so much so that Ozy left many people emotionally scarred. They could afford to take the foot off the gas for the last two episodes, and they played it perfectly.

Georgia Jones

Thank you for an amazing watch through, looked forward to it every week- comment section been kinda yikes at times tbh but I really enjoyed your reactions and perspectives on one of the best written, beautifully shot and well acted shows in the last decade :)

Chris Thompson

That was awesome. You guys are awesome. Watching the show one last time (6 is enough for me) was awesome. All this awesomeness makes me kinda wish you guys would just give El Camino a miss. Going through Felina once more makes me fully realise just how unnecessary El Camino truly is. I was a defender back in the day, but now I’m firmly on the Dark Side and wish I’d just left the story with Walt lying there dead. BCS is a far better way to stay in this world - EC truly offers next to nothing and is really jarring in places, annoyingly so. Either way, bring on Saul September!


Great reaction and even greater show, can't wait for El camino and BCS!

Daunte Johnson

The box scene with Jesse is so sad. The one thing Jesse truly appreciated and felt good about, but then the reality kicked in.


"I liked it. I was good at it. I was really... I was alive." Walt's final acts after a year of terrible decisions are to ensure his kids get some of the money he made, give his wife closure, revenge the nazis who killed Hank and Steve, and rescue a caged broken Jesse. Good acts don't pay off all the harm he caused but they help, and he 'got what he deserved'. Great ending to a great show, and a great reaction series! I sound like a broken record but I'm BEYOND excited for y'all to get into Better Call Saul. El Camino is good too, but BCS is "what if this same crew took all the lessons they learned, and made a prequel show about the goofy lawyer side character"... which sounded like a terrible premise at the time, but ends up being so smart, deep, funny, sad and incredible, and a perfect continuation of the 'breaking bad universe'. God it's so good lol, I'm jealous you have 6 more seasons (and a movie!) of this before it's over.


I've read that too, it's a nice sentiment. I do buy into the theory that Walt was always sorta like this and society / circumstance boxed him into being a mild-mannered chemistry teacher. So him breaking bad is more revealing what's already there, than him fundamentally changing. I also wonder what he would have been like as co-CEO or COO or whatever at Gray Matter, what does Billionaire CEO Walt look like? yeesh.


Ended in 2010 in-universe, Walt never got to watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes 😢


El Camino is fine. It's a nice capper but unecessary, for sure. Not worth skipping but not integral.


Um actually, it was 10k for 2 hours! haha. Totally agree though. I would rather have a predictable, good, satisfying ending, than one that attempts to "subvert expectations" and misses hard and taints the whole rewatch. I like rewatching BB and BCS because I know they end well, unlike certain other shows.......


Well he proposed 2 hours, and accepted the counter offer of 1 hour without any objection or negotiation. But yeah, it's funny GoT and BBad were seen as being neck and neck as the best shows of all time until GoT ended so badly that not only has every proposed spinoff show been met with total apathy, but most people refuse to even go through a rewatch of "the good seasons". That's a about as cataclysmic a result for writing that you could ever imagine, short of wide scale IRL riots that devolve into a civil war.

Chris Bruneau

Arianna and Maple, I truly hope you enjoyed BB as much as I did!!! Thanks so much for doing this reaction series! On the internet, lots of people say most shows "fail to stick the landing"-- This show is the exception! It tied up every loose end, and gave the audience both closure and satisfaction. My favorite line: "I did it for me." Walt comes to terms with his own vanity and how his actions destroyed his family. My favorite callback: Jesse's hand-crafted wood box--a true moment of happiness for him, away from the horror of his current reality. really powerful stuff! This is truly one of the best TV shows ever written. it deserved all of its 92 awards!!

Chris Bruneau

Kara, I have enjoyed your comments throughout this whole series--see ya on BCS!


Same for you Chris, was fun reading 🙏


El Camino was good. It enhances felina & BB universe

Steve Johnson

One of my favourite endings to anything ever. So many callbacks, so much payoff, and that last shot with Baby Blue playing.... chefs kiss. Thank you guys, awesome show!

Tom McTernan

Man, I love this finale. Probably the best I've ever seen. You guys were spot on with the cinematography aspects throughout, but one that you didn't touch on that I'm personally a huge fan of is the overhead shot of Walt finding the keys in the stolen car in the beginning. On first viewing, I assumed that it was pretty clear implication of divine intervention and an answered prayer from Walt to "just get him home." I mean, the shot is basically POV God dropping the keys into Walt's lap. Which struck me as kinda weird that God would to want reward Walt despite his previous behavior and assist him in revenge (keep in mind that I'm speaking on my first time through and had the same thought that he was going after Gretchen and Elliot). However, in retrospect, I think that that shot is probably our first clue that Walt wasn't on a revenge plot but rather going to do his best to set things right. He was helped because he finally had the proper intentions in his heart. Some time later I read an article on Vince Gilligan's religious views and how he describes himself as basically agnostic and it made me want to reconcile how such a clear cut religious theme would stem from a guy who wasn't religious. Digging just a little deeper, you can find a quote from Vince that basically says that though he doesn't necessarily believe a god, he was raised in a Catholic household and does believe in a sense of "karmic judgement" which I think is SO clear in this story. So though Walt did do evil things and his own downfall was karmic punishment, I also love that karma decided that he payed enough dues for a chance to right his wrongs and die a death that he wanted and chose for himself. Now onto El Camino. Named after the car that Jesse escapes the compound in, and translates to "the road" in Spanish. Wonder if we see a similar theme going forward? ;)


Amazing as always, two little fun tidbits regarding the title of the ending: Felina is an anagram for Finale Felina contains the element names for Fe (Iron, found in blood), Li (Lithium, used in Meth), and Na (Sodium, found in tears) leaving you with Blood, Meth, and Tears.

Owen Kosik

Thanks guys, I haven't watched this show in its entirety since it aired and I had a great time watching along with you. It's truly one of the best shows ever, isn't it?


Have to admit that I never picked up on this aspect during the two times I had watched this show before, but it is a fascinating thought. Now that I think about it: Do we actually see how and under which circumstances Walt left Gray Matter or do we just get his side of the story when he tells it to Jesse? Edit: Just remembered they still offered to pay for his treatment in one of the early episodes, so there is that.

andrew jones

Unbelievable series, was a pleasure watching it again with you two.


i havent seen it since it ended back in 2013ish and i actually liked it even better this time than the first time. definitely one of the mount rushmore's of film

Owen Kosik

I had a few rewatches through the interim but never finished it after that first run, thanks for the impetus to finally do the whole thing! Absolutely one of the best pieces of filmmaking ever done. Makes me want to rewatch The Godfather.

jo and joe

Incredible watch! I have watched it before, but felt like rewatching it again for the summer. I didn't have anyone willing to do so with me, so being able to watch along with you both was amazing! Can't wait for El Camino and Better Call Saul!

Andrew Clifton

Thank you guys so much for this ride. I loved binging the first 4 and a half seasons and coming in at the end. I'm gonna watch those discussion videos tomorrow. Can't wait. As I said before, Jesse and Walt are the best to me. I love at least seeing Jesse get a W finally. I don't feel the slightest bit bad for Skylar or Walt. They did what they did. But bc she had a great many opportunities to turn Walt in or do anything before it went too far so she was 100% complicate imo and bc of that is also partially responsible for Hank's death. Marie only forgave her bc she thought she was a total hostage. Look how long Walt was out of the house. Remember when the po po was there lol. All she had to do is speak and the whole thing woulda came crashing down. She was the only one that had that power that wasn't initially involved. RIP Hank and I hope Jesse finds peace someday. Walt kinda gets a W in the end too tho. His family gets a lot of money, he was the hero that saved Jesse, he avenged Hank and got rid of Lydia as well lol. And he went out on his terms. I truly can't thank you guys enough for all the hard work you put into this. I think your gonna love BCS just as much as this. More GOT please lol. Love y'all. Have a good week.

Ray Johnson

I felt you guys rooting for Walt, or for at least his plan to work, especially getting the money to Jr. It's funny how that works, isn't it? We just want those around him not to suffer, so ultimately we root for him to make things work out. Love this show so much.


I really liked this ending. BCS on the horizon and I CANNOT WAIT!

Joe Blankenship

Super satisfying ending. I can't imagine them doing it any better. Walt completely went off the deep end with his egomania, but he was able to come back for one last bit of redemption. Saving Jesse. And then there's Better Call Saul! As good as Breaking Bad is, I think I like Better Call Saul even better! Bob Odenkirk kills it!


You mean jarring due to the actors being older? The film is good and people wanted SPOILER Jesse to have a good closure.

Nume Hall

I really enjoyed the reaction to the finale here. As others have said one of the best finales of any show. I'm also very much looking forward to Better Call Saul (which is my personal favorite show of all time, even slightly above Breaking Bad).

Alex Burchill

They should include the Malcolm in the Middle scene as an after credits in the finale 🤣