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Reid Mclellan

I know they love This show, but I can't be the only one to think that Arianna and Maple are gonna adore BCS even more right?

Andrew Clifton

Todd is a true textbook psycho lol. Like Dhamer. Uncle Jack is more of a sociopath in that he is far more aware that the things he is doing are wrong but he does them anyway. Todd is so wrapped up in his own little world that he has little concept of right or wrong.

cat named toebean

The fact they dropped an extended Opening theme in the end is some anime shit. I don’t think anyone even knew there was an extended version of the opening jingle, but having it in the second to last episode of the series is just so good.

Nume Hall

Yeah, I find Todd kind of fascinating as a character. I think like you said, he just has a warped view of the world. To him it's perfectly reasonable that when Jesse does a good job, he should get a reward like ice cream. It's just as reasonable that when he does something bad (trying to escape) he should receive a punishment in seeing Andrea murdered in front of him. He fully means it when he says it's not personal, it's just cause and effect. He's a "nice" guy, but he just has no understanding of true morality or what others would see as reprehensible behavior.