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Zombie Exodus: Side Stories, Brody & Madison, scene 12

  • Attack with ranged weapons to avoid close combat. 22
  • Attack with close combat weapons to avoid making noise. 9
  • 2023-07-16
  • —2023-07-30
  • 31 votes
{'title': 'Zombie Exodus: Side Stories, Brody & Madison, scene 12', 'choices': [{'text': 'Attack with ranged weapons to avoid close combat.', 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'Attack with close combat weapons to avoid making noise.', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 30, 0, 15, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 16, 0, 14, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 31}


continued from scene 11

"Let's just stay here," Brody said. "I don't want to argue. I'm tired and hungry and have no reason to go elsewhere."

Madison opened her mouth to argue but remained quiet. She didn't want to keep arguing with her brother. Every step they took was met with a new disagreement. She decided to let him win this battle.

"Fine, but we don't know if more crazies are inside," she said.

We can clear the house. No big deal." With purposeful strides, Brody reaches for a shotgun, feeling its weight in his hands. He checks the ammunition, ensuring it's ready for use.

Madison opted for a modified AR-15, its shorter barrel and extended magazine making it ideal for close-quarters combat. She attached a red light scope, enhancing her ability to target the infected.

Together, they made their way up the stairs, their footsteps barely audible on the carpeted surface. The tension hung thick in the air, and their senses heightened as they prepared to face the unknown. Brody's grip on the shotgun tightened, and Madison's fingers brushed against the cool metal of her weapon.

As they reached the top of the staircase, they found themselves back in the familiar setting of the kitchen. Brody's eyes briefly wandered toward the refrigerator, its low hum filling the silence.

Madison's voice broke the stillness in a hushed whisper, "Brody, now is not the time. We need to stay focused."

"I'm starving." Brody opened the refrigerator and snatched a banana from the fridge. He set the shotgun on the kitchen island and ate the banana in two bites. After he finished, they moved through the doorway, leaving the kitchen behind, their steps cautious as they navigated the narrow corridor.

The sound of movement reached their ears, emanating from the family room nearby. It was a soft shuffling, a disturbing reminder that they were not alone in the house. Brody and Madison exchanged a wordless glance, their eyes reflecting apprehension and determination.

With calculated movements, they edged closer to the entrance of the family room. Their breaths became shallow, anticipation pulsing through their veins. The door stood slightly ajar, allowing a sliver of light to spill into the dimly lit space.

As they approached the threshold, they heard a low growl, a guttural sound that sent shivers down their spines. They exchanged a silent signal, a shared understanding of the imminent danger that awaited them beyond the door.

Brody braced himself, his grip tightening on the shotgun. Madison adjusted her hold on the AR-15, her finger hovering near the trigger. In unison, they pushed the door open, revealing the scene that unfolded before them.

A zombie, its decayed features contorted grotesquely, stood in the center of the room. Its milky-white eyes locked onto their presence, fixating on them with an insatiable hunger. The room bared signs of struggle, overturned furniture and shattered glass strewn across the floor.

continue to scene 13 


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