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This one is very short, so posting it as an extra. Proper chapters will continue on Tuesday as normal. (Actually, Tuesday will be the single side story I wrote for volume 1 and then promptly forgot about. Volume 2 will start on Friday.)

Simon stared past the police tape that blocked off his best friend's room. The inside was neat, but still showed obvious signs of a police search. In particular, the bed had been pushed aside, revealing an intricate and highly ominous circular pattern carefully drawn onto the floor.

"Dammit. Why did I ever leave him alone?" he asked rhetorically.

Anypha had mentioned side effects, and one was the loss of the frozen time. No longer could Thomas spend his time in the other world without those he left behind noticing his absence.

"I think you should be more open-minded," said the girl standing next to him, who bore a striking resemblance to certain photos given pride of place on Thomas's desk. "If he was suffering a psychotic break, and had wandered out on his own, why didn't a single CCTV camera pick him up? These dorms have them on every exit."

"You think he was telling the truth?"

"When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

"No need to quote Arthur Conan Doyle at me. This could still be a prank."

"Thomas wouldn't do that," replied Eve with complete certainty. "He'd never worry us or waste police time like this."

"So he really is trying to save an alien world all on his own..."

"On his own?" replied Eve, glancing down at her sketchbook, into which she'd carefully copied a certain magical circle. "Not if I have any say in the matter."

After all, Anypha had also mentioned that such side effects might be to Thomas's advantage.



Thanks for the chapter/Epilogue.

Tim Burget

> Simon stared past the police tape that blocked off his best friend's room. Heh. I figured the Volume 2 prologue might be back on Earth. > Anypha had mentioned side effects, and one was the loss of the frozen time. Called it! > "When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Heh. > "So he really is trying to save an alien world all on his own..." > "On his own?" replied Eve, glancing down at her sketchbook, into which she'd carefully copied a certain magical circle. "Not if I have any say in the matter." > After all, Anypha had also mentioned that such side effects might be to Thomas's advantage. Heh heh heh.